Apple may announce iWatch alongside new iPhones next month

Shawn Knight

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code apple plans announce wearable john paczkowski apple iphone wearable fitness iwatch healthkit homekit

Apple's rumored September 9 media event may have more in store than we initially bargained for. According to a new report from Re/code's John Paczkowski, the Cupertino-based company is planning to unveil a new wearable alongside two versions of the next generation iPhone.

Paczkowski didn't disclose his source or even how he came to this conclusion but he seems pretty certain of it. The date is in stark contrast to the October date he reported back in June but as always, things can (and did) change.

The report claims the iWatch will make use of HealthKit and HomeKit, the e-health and connected home platforms that Apple briefly touched on during WWDC back in early June. Paczkowski mentioned that it would be nice to be able to turn the lights on and off from his wrist or perhaps navigate Apple TV but admitted those ideas are total speculation at this point.

He also reiterated that things could change once again between now and September 9 but it's not likely.

If you recall, Re/code is the same publication that pegged the September 9 media event in which Apple is expected to reveal the next generation iPhone(s). Apple has yet to send out press invitations but considering the date is now less than two weeks away, I suspect we'll see invites hitting inboxes any day now.

Do you think Apple will unveil the iWatch next month alongside the new iPhones?

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I don't know if they'll announce the iwatch along side the iphone but I do know this; they'll act like they invented the smart watch and that it's somehow magical.
I'm eagerly waiting with baited breath.

I'm thinking I should bait it with garlic, tuna, and rotgut whiskey. I'll be ready to stake out my space in line. I gotta git me one each o' them thar new fangled Apple con-trap-she-uns.....