BIOS & ROM on the Motherboard


Posts: 328   +24
Hi guys,

I'm going to find the following info about new/recent computers. Is there anyone who likes to help?:)

1-Where the BIOS is stored on the motherboard? Inside the ROM, EPROM or something like USB storage on the motherboard?

2- I have also heard that this (BIOS) is stored into CMOS and a battery supplies the power for the settings of the BIOS, correct?

3- Also I have read that in the new motherboards there is a jumper that can delete the settings of the BIOS. What's your thoughts?

Thanks in advance.
1. See #2
2. CMOS is correct, sometimes these are removable chips.
3. Yes, many motherboards have a jumper to reset to defaults, this is pretty important for overclockers, because you can set the BIOS to settings that are so unstable the computer can't get to the BIOS.

4. Your definition of recent/new is not in alignment with what most people would say is new. Motherboards for a few years now have been shipping with UEFI rather than a traditional BIOS.