Black students kicked out of Australian Apple store because "they might steal something"

you've obviously haven't been around the globe much ;P try the middle-east or Africa, both of them have much more discrimination than the US.

I see your point but I meant with 1st world nations not 3rd world I would expect this in the latter not the former minus the USA.
Yeah it was difficult 30 yrs ago, it was worse 50 yrs ago and worser still 70 yrs ago. But people didn't steal because of their white religious beliefs and that it was frowned upon. When they like something they couldn't afford they took out a lay-by or simply saved up. Many knuckling dragging cultures have remained poor because of their attitude towards one another. And of course it got attention because their black. Lefties always stick up for thieves.
This is pretty much your basic, "I dun had my civil rights violated", now I'm indignant as all hell, sob story.

It has its parallels in "stop and frisk", or "profiling" which civil rights activists like to use as their soapbox. The truth of the matter is, with regards to "stop and frisk', the argument runs something like, "80+% of the stop and frisk checks don't turn up anything, and the 20% that do turn up drugs and guns quickly get left out of the discussion. Greater good and all that, means not embarrassing someone who isn't high and holding. But nobody wants to tackle the tough questions like, "if we get rid of 'stop and frisk'", who is going to protect us from the 50% who will be carrying after we outlaw it?

This is Apple's stupidity and greed. If they didn't want black people in their stores, they shouldn't have snapped up all that "Dr. Dre Beats" overpriced,
almost exclusively ethnically purchased crap.
Something is up with making racial profiling the same all around the world. In the USA, and seems like Australia ,too, black=crime; in a store, then shoplifter potential. that is patently ridiculous since all sorts of people shoplift, from grandmothers to school kids. kids do it all the time for kicks as much as profit. all store management realize this and call it 'shrinkage' which is pre built into retail price. Top on those responsible for shrinkage are the store's own employees.
I dont know if this is Internet tabloid journalism with the race card issue or not.
It is good for Americans to see that it happens outside their country to mitigate the liberal guilt syndrome; not that it makes race issues less, just that they are not exclusive to the USA.
Ah johnnie, what an odd comment. Racial profiling is ... well it is just profiling. Unfortunately stick racial on the front and its a bad thing. Like them damn Tea drinking cricket playing English swines. Am I right ? I know where those Brits need to stick their cucumber sandwiches...
Not every profile is bad, but do we not get traits from where we are born ? Who raise us? Our enviroments.
So we hear of Somalians raping white women. And the african youths who have their animalistic ways and have no problem taking anothers life.
But are they different to white british rapists ? Or the two Bulger killers ? Is it environment of animals, vs environment of the privileged psychosis. But both a quest for power ? And both really should be assessed by a qualified therapist and not just some guy rattling off crap ?
But then won't the therapist making an educated judgement, a profiling, and we will back to square one ? As it will boil down to black and white ? Chicken and the egg ?
If we want to stop racism, being this profiling problem, we have to stop making situations for ourselves, where we need to assess on large scales, where profiling is an easy go to, a tool for understanding what is going on, as we all feel the need to understand and make sense of crazy *** backward problems and situations. Right ? Just a thought...

Which leads me to believe that whilst every country, is in turmoil, and not just financially, but run incorrectly, by governments who only care about bottom lines, money, bonuses, and not the people of the countries they are meant to be governing. While these governments fail to fix the problems of the lives of their common people, the problems of their land, and iron out the kinks, letting droves of immigrants into said country only not to assimilate but to make their own communities who refuse to work with the country and its laws and to demand all their laws and rights from back home to apply in a foriegn country... alienating themselves further, making the people who grew up their, upset and infuriated with both the foreigners and the failing government, and thus inciting racism within the people.

Fix some problems. Let in less people. An amount you can watch. Keep track of. And not lose to criminal activities. Ah Crazy rant right? No one cares ><