Did you know these things about techspot?

Hi Does everyone see the same these things I see, or am I the only one that sees them when I go on Google and search?
Still learning these things! The internet is a amazing thing, but a little scary to this old country boy; knowing every thing I post on a help forum may be posted on Goggle. It's OK I guess, but it is amazing IMHO. If your on the internet and posting; someone is watching you, and then posting your thoughts on Goggle LOL. Amazing!
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Using search engines properly is a fascinating subject actually. Does everyone realize that Google and search engines like DuckDuckGo are real search engines that use no bias in trying to help you find your answers. This is a crazy story that happened to me many years ago but I used to belong to a Starbucks coffee club that gave areas out of their retail reach monthly shipments of coffee of your choice with free freight. Then one day 10-12 years ago they decided they had so many stores they no longer needed to do that so they ended it. Annoyed because I had no stores within 50 miles of my rural location I found a coffee company on the internet and began getting a 5 lb bag of Italian Roast shipped every month. Every month the price went up and so did the freight and at then end of 2 years what I started out paying $17.50 for 5 lbs had become $55 and $15 freight. Angry I googled "cheap coffee beans" and came up with a similar looking bag of Italian Roast coffee I so loved for $20 and $9 freight. When the bag arrived the label looked pasted on so I peeled it off and underneath was the label of the company I had been paying $55 for a month earlier. OMG I had found the wholesaler! Try it next time you want the best price but not on Yahoo or any other engine but Google or a real search engine not Aol either, and watch what happens. My next move "cheap batteries" landed me "Cheap batteries.com" which gave me $1.99 AA Energizer or Duracel battery for $.30 depending on quantity.
Hi @Rich M. Thanks for your reply. Very interesting. Here's what I have found when using the Google search engine. It's a little like using the hash tag #; which I understand a little how that works?? Anyway this is how I post some of my answers to OP,s questions here on techspot. I want to give TS members the best updated answer to their issue I can; even though I may think I already have a suggestion I think might help. I can always find someone that explains it better then myself. ROFL
The first thing I do is copy their question and then I type techspot after their question . Google will take me to all the links that members here on TS have posted in the past. How cool is that? If I like one of those, I'll post the link on the OP.s thread that asked the question. If I think I can find a better solution, I'll search Google without techspot as a hash tag. I might use HTG, or Lifewire, or MS community as a hash tag. I use many trusted sites and trusted techs; that have been around a lot longer then this old country boy, and I'll use them to post my solutions to windows issues asked here on TS and hope they help.
Who will read this? N/P. I have had my say and I thank TS for letting me be a part of a great forum and giving me a second chance. I hope to be here for a long time and learn new things and pass forward things I have learned from others.
PS Will I always have the best answer or solution? No! But I'll always give it my best shot. If we work as a team, we will "Get-er-Done. Please leave your EGO at the doorstop and work as a team, and We will "Get-er-Done here on techspot!
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Something so simple as search engine concept is a whole machinery that I think majority of Internet users dont exploit properly, or dont know how.
Something so simple as search engine concept is a whole machinery that I think majority of Internet users dont exploit properly, or dont know how.
Hi Welcome to techspot. I have no idea where this thread is going. I don't even remember why I started it?? I can assure you I don't understand search engines. I'm always ready to learn however.;)I have no idea how my post #5 got posted on this thread. It probably needs to be deleted. I think I'll do that now and hope staff approves. Thanks for your reply.
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Post # 5 is fine Holdum just further's my point actually how little people really know about how to use a search engine.