"Doom" game designer celebrates its 21st birthday, reveals a ton of never-before-seen game art

Shawn Knight

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Few franchises have a past as storied as Doom. The debut game in the series was released way back in December of 1993 and to celebrate the 21st anniversary, id Software co-founder and gaming maven John Romero unleashed a barrage of never-before-seen artwork and photos from the game’s development on Twitter.

Much of what Romero has posted is textures and such from the game, both those that made the cut and some that didn’t. We’re also treated to some original Doom title logo tests and sketchbook scans that were eventually turned into textures.

doom quakecon id software john carmack john romero doom reboot

It’s remarkable that so much of this stuff still exists considering how long ago 1993 was in computer years. For reference, my oldest photos only date back to 2001 or so (backups are key).

Perhaps the coolest pieces of all are the shots of the original clay models of DoomGuy, the Baron of Hell, the Cyberdemon, Spiderdemon Mastermind and Mancubus.

doom quakecon id software john carmack john romero doom reboot

id Software is hard at work on a reboot of the original 1993 Doom. A sneak peak of the new game was revealed at the annual QuakeCon gaming convention this past July. We’re told the game is being built using the id Tech 6 gaming engine and will run at 1080p at 60 frames per second on the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

It’s unclear when the new Doom will be ready but I suspect we’ll hear much more about it as 2015 rolls around.

The entire collection of old Doom art can be downloaded by clicking here.

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Ohhhhhhh ...... and updated version of my old favorite. That's IT, the trash man ain't getting their quarterly payment, I have a NEW priority! LOL
The original had a very easy graphic design of the monsters. I took some photo's of an old boss of mine and put him on one of the monsters .... he never forgave me, but he also refused to give up the game! Ain't love grand! ROFL
I remember playing Doom back then on my 386sx, I had my computer's sound card output plugged into my PA system and I would put on some loud tunes along with it. The only other FPS game I had played before that was Wolf3D, which was amazing back then considering it contained 9 levels all packed into a 1.44mb floppy disk. I would boot my computer from a DOS operating system floppy disk that contained basic drivers for mouse and sound, then type the command to run the game. I think we could really use that again even today, to boot in some basic Windows operating system mode that would bypass tones of unneeded Windows services and leave more resources for games.