Entire school board resigns following parent-mocking Zoom broadcast

Good for you not having kids, nothing wrong in that. However, you cannot just sit there on your side without understanding a parent's side of things.

Just because kids go to school, it doesn't mean they aren't accounted for by parents. Even when kids go to school they have to be accounted for by a parent before, during and after school. A lot of parents work and the schools closing means a whole lot of headaches for parents that work during the day.

Parents now have to find an alternative for their kids to be handled during work hours. They may now have to pay for a care facility of some capacity that wasn't in their budget before (child care is out right f'ing expensive....overly expensive in many states, actually) or parents have to stop working or try to adjust their work schedule to stay at home with the kids. This means adjusted income or complete loss of income because they have no other options.

Parents now have to be the school teacher and parent at the same time when it comes to distance learning, while still doing their normal daily jobs. My wife takes on most of this role for our family. She's lucky her boss allows her to bring our kids to her work where they can do their distance learning, not a lot of places allow this. However, she now has to constantly help the kids with school work because the resources (active teacher in the class room) is no longer available through distance learning because of limited time the teacher has with the class and do her job at the same time.

My wife and I are dealing with things. It has thrown a wrench into life, but we've been able to adjust pretty easily compared to a lot of other families. We both still work, the wife can have the kids go to her work and do their distance learning so we don't have to find a third party to care for the kids during the day (which would cost a **** ton of money in our state - our two kids when toddler age and pre-school age were in full time daycare, it cost us nearly $24K a year and this was 6 years ago, so I'm guessing the costs have only gone up).

Not everyone with kids is the same predicament, but a lot of parents have been bending over backwards to accommodate their kids now and try to balance their work life. Or parents have had to give up their work to take care of their kids.

If you did have kids and now a school system dumps them back to you, all while expecting you to maintain your job and teach your kids at the same time, you'd have a different outlook on it. Luckily for you, you don't have kids and you can maintain your way of life, but you shouldn't be so quick to judge those that do have kids.

People choose not to understand this, my sister again as an example had to quit her job, this caused them to loose their house and destroyed their credit, it's now an eviction, and ontop of that they've been slowly selling off stuff to pay for food and bills at the **** hole they could afford since covid also got my brother in laws work hours cut. There is no excuse to not have schools open, the only danger is to the children not getting a good education and having a safe place to be during the day.
It is a partnership after all. Educators teach. Parents should deliver teachable children. What I do have a problem with is Leftist ideology being forced on the kids. That isn't education. It's propaganda. Controversial topics are best left to the home.
I am sure that parents with an opinion similar to yours have the opportunity to home-school if they want to.
Have you ever actually WORKED with teachers, or are you just generalizing? Because anyone who works closely with teachers will tell you there are 2 major camps, many teachers want the kids back in school because they are very well aware that virtual learning is not as effective. Then you have many MORE who dont want them back because the US media just spent the last year banging on the FEAR TERROR PANIC DOOM drum over the freaking coof heard round the world. Do you just expect all the FEAR TERROR PANIC DOOM over coronavirus to just.....dissapear, especially when the media is STILL harping on that war drum?
Because 1/2 million dead in the US alone is nothing to be afraid of. :rolleyes:
Is there some kind of truth serum we could require all officials to take for all such meetings? Their views might have stunk, but the honesty is refreshing, and if we had the benefit of that honesty all the time we might actually get some of the right people into those positions...
No reason schools can't be open, parents can't go to work but teachers and staff still get paid for sitting on their ***.
Have you ever tried being a teacher? I assure you they don't "sit on their asses". Try it before speaking. There is so much marking and lesson planning that you don't see happening. The actual "teaching" is only 33% of the job. The other 66% is lesson planning and assessing.

btw the title is misleading, an "entire school board" would include the trustees, superintendents, principals, vice principals, office staff, janitors, AND teachers. I believe only the trustees resigned.
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You know, growing up with a secondary school history teacher for a stepfather taught me more than just history. When it comes to their kids, parents are like a bunch of Bridezillas. They refuse to accept what monsters we all are as kids and give the teachers a pantload of undeserved grief and annoyance. It doesn't surprise me one bit that this was the topic of conversation because that's ALWAYS the topic of conversation.

These teachers have got it right about COVID because having schools open would be perhaps the most dangerous thing that could be done. Kids feel invincible and won't be so ready to socially distance themselves or wear masks if and when they can get away with it. Schools would become breeding grounds for Sars-CoV-2 and the infection rate would skyrocket, along with the inevitable body count that goes along with it.

Imagine that you're a university-educated teacher, especially a science teacher. Now you have some parent who paid no attention whatsoever in science and health class when they were in school and now works in a factory operating some machine that stamps out metal shapes. They know sweet-FA about pandemics and the spread of disease but they think that they know what's best for THEIR children. Meanwhile, government cuts to education keep reducing your salary to the point that you'd be no worse off working at Wendy's.

I'm honestly surprised that ANYONE wants to be a teacher in the USA anymore with the way things are. There's not a chance in hell that I'd want to be. If they all resigned at once, I'm willing to bet it was one big "TO HELL WITH THIS JOB!" in unison and I don't blame them one bit. I probably would have done the exact same thing.
The actual "teaching" is only 33% of the job. The other 66% is lesson planning and assessing.
Teachers in my neighborhood have a curriculum. Lesson planning is already laid out for them. While I do somewhat agree with what you are saying. It still goes outside the context of what they are saying.
It is a partnership after all. Educators teach. Parents should deliver teachable children. What I do have a problem with is Leftist ideology being forced on the kids. That isn't education. It's propaganda. Controversial topics are best left to the home.

One point made by Jordan Peterson I think is fairly spot on.
The Left tend to produce new business models.
The Right tend to run them more efficiently.
Seems about accurate.
Both sides do need each other. Balance is key.
Leftist propaganda? Do you even know what "left" is? If you're an American, there is no "left" party, despite what your media constantly tries to tell you. You have centre-right (Democrats) and FAR-right (Republicans). To give you an idea, the Democrats are more right-wing than Canada's Conservative Party, the most right-wing major party in Canada. What you call "Leftist Propaganda" is what every other NATO country (plus Australia and New Zealand) calls "true facts".

Here's a true fact for you (or as you like to call it, "leftist propaganda"), teachers in the USA get paid so little that some qualify for food stamps. With low pay like that, they may as well be babysitters. Right-wingers always forget to look at the effects of paying little to no taxes like underpaid teachers and an entire state left vulnerable to a winter storm, something that other states (and countries for that matter) consider to be a trivial thing. Just so you don't think that I'm spouting "left-wing propaganda", feel free to check out any of these articles from major news outlets both inside and outside of the USA. Since you're not aware of the fact that teachers aren't paid nearly enough (which really came to light when that fool Trump wanted to arm the teachers), maybe you can argue with these media outlets:

Business Insider (USA):
10 alarming facts about teacher pay in the United States

The Guardian (UK):
'We shouldn't be on food stamps': teachers on how to fix America's education system

2020 has shone a light on the importance of good teachers, but many are paid less than a living wage in the U.S.

The Insider (USA):
A Maine teacher's salary was so low she couldn't afford formula for her newborn baby — and she was forced to apply for government assistance

Time Magazine (USA):
'I Work 3 Jobs And Donate Blood Plasma to Pay the Bills.' This Is What It’s Like to Be a Teacher in America

Washington Post (USA):
Think teachers aren’t paid enough? It’s worse than you think.

The Conversation (Australia):
Are America’s teachers really underpaid?

Payscale.com (USA):
For the Love of the Job: Does Society Pay Teachers What They Are Worth?

Attitudes like yours are why the US public education system is so behind other developed countries. It's also a major reason why the US is falling apart at the seams. By all means, keep disparaging teachers because as the average level of education in the USA falls, so does the country. All of your right-wing "I don't wanna pay no taxes!" diatribes won't make a lick of difference when it's already too late, just like they didn't make a lick of difference when it was already too late in Texas. Don't worry though, your right-wing leaders will always be ready to take off to Cancun when the going gets rough.
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Condescending teachers, none of whom have missed a paycheck, need to get back to class, like last fall. The teachers unions are the real problem but I have lost a lot of respect for teachers too, it's not about the kids, never was to them. Yes it is a generalization but please show me a teacher that is working to get kids back in school.
Why the hell would a teacher be "working to get kids back in school" during a WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC? Are you out of your mind or something? If a teacher were trying to get kids back into school right now, that teacher's completely insane!

Try to remember that some teachers teach science and some teach health. These same teachers are collegues of the entire staff and clearly understand biology and the behaviour of viral pandemics far better than you do. These are TEACHERS, which means that they're qualified to TEACH. That means they know a crapload more about things that you do because otherwise, it would be you teaching instead of them.
Why are you promoting segregation?
I don't see that at all. What I see is a person with a brain saying that if some people are stupid enough to think that things like science, history, health, earth sciences (geography and geology), music, art and language is "Liberal Propaganda", then they're always welcome to try to do better themselves.

Home-schooled kids ALWAYS turn out great, don't they? :laughing:
I don't see that at all. What I see is a person with a brain saying that if some people are stupid enough to think that things like science, history, health, earth sciences (geography and geology), music, art and language is "Liberal Propaganda", then they're always welcome to try to do better themselves.

Home-schooled kids ALWAYS turn out great, don't they? :laughing:
I see nothing there about teacher's pay. In fact, this only proves that the low pay that teachers get in the USA ensures that you're going to end up with a bunch of clowns instead of professionals. Isn't it interesting that back when teachers were paid properly, things like this almost never happened? How seriously are you going to take a job that requires a degree and pays you so little that you qualify for food stamps? Probably not very.

I'm guessing that you didn't really read all of my post because I was talking about teachers being underpaid and how that was destroying American society. Your counterpoint only showed a symptom of the disease that I was railing against.
I see nothing there about teacher's pay. In fact, this only proves that the low pay that teachers get in the USA ensures that you're going to end up with a bunch of clowns instead of professionals. Isn't it interesting that back when teachers were paid properly, things like this almost never happened? How seriously are you going to take a job that requires a degree and pays you so little that you qualify for food stamps? Probably not very.

I'm guessing that you didn't really read all of my post because I was talking about teachers being underpaid and how that was destroying American society. Your counterpoint only showed a symptom of the disease that I was railing against.
It's not to say teachers aren't needed or that they shouldn't be appropriately compensated. But the public school system, as it is, is demonstrably a failed system and dumping more money into it isn't going to fix it. It needs a complete rework from the ground up, one that includes and embraces private alternatives that have demonstrated their value.
Great find! See, this isn't what a map of "the richest country in the world" should look like when it comes to literacy. It should be blue from coast to coast and the fact that it isn't shows the disease that I can see eating away at American society. You never get good people at any job if you're not wiling to pay well and this is a great example of the outcome of not paying teachers well. It's clearly not just the teachers who suffer because the kids are suffering as well, as this map clearly shows.

Don't misunderstand me, I WANT the kids to do well and I WANT the kids to be safe (as well as the rest of us). Underpaying teachers and then overworking them with big class sizes doesn't translate into kids doing well. Unfortunately, the "taxes are evil" culture that is present in several parts of the USA often results in exactly this. The real tragic thing is that it doesn't have to be this way because all the USA would have to do is direct a chunk of its defence spending towards education and the problem would go away overnight. After all, there is no department of the US government that is even close to being as wasteful as the DoD. I've read stories of the Pentagon "misplacing" more money than the entire yearly education budget for the whole country. Now THAT is crazy!
I see nothing there about teacher's pay. In fact, this only proves that the low pay that teachers get in the USA ensures that you're going to end up with a bunch of clowns instead of professionals. Isn't it interesting that back when teachers were paid properly, things like this almost never happened? How seriously are you going to take a job that requires a degree and pays you so little that you qualify for food stamps? Probably not very.

I'm guessing that you didn't really read all of my post because I was talking about teachers being underpaid and how that was destroying American society. Your counterpoint only showed a symptom of the disease that I was railing against.
I don't know. Maybe this might have something to do with it. Surely, we can calibrate pay based on actual contribution to society. Note how many politicians are lawyers. Where is all of this money going, and it isn't just one party involved either?


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It's not to say teachers aren't needed or that they shouldn't be appropriately compensated. But the public school system, as it is, is demonstrably a failed system and dumping more money into it isn't going to fix it. It needs a complete rework from the ground up, one that includes and embraces private alternatives that have demonstrated their value.
It's a failed system because it's been de-funded over and over and over again. You don't see these problems in other NATO countries and I can guarantee you that our schools are overwhelmingly public. The other issue is HOW the schools are funded.

From what I understand, in the USA, a school is only funded by the school taxes collected in its immediate area which means that if it's a poor area, the school doesn't get enough money to properly operate. I've seen inner-city schools that are literally falling apart, structurally, because the school can't even afford proper maintenance to the building itself.

I can tell you that in Canada, schools are given $X per student regardless of where the school is located to ensure that every school has a budget with which it can properly operate. Teachers aren't overloaded with huge classes and the schools themselves remain in very good repair. Here's a primary school in Ontario that's almost 50 years old (note the lack of central air) but still looks brand-new (tripod blocks previews):
And here's a secondary school that's 62 years old that just had a very expensive renovation done (slide show):
Neither of these schools are in affluent areas but because of how school funding is handled in Canada, it doesn't matter. If you want a bright future for the children, you have to invest in them and constantly calling for lower taxes does the opposite of that.

BTW, I personally attended both of these schools so I know them very well and have no issue using them as examples. I'm in my 40s so you KNOW that these schools are OLD! Jeez, I went to Parkway Public School 32 years ago but still remember it like it was yesterday. It doesn't look a day older than it did when I was there.
Why the hell would a teacher be "working to get kids back in school" during a WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC? Are you out of your mind or something? If a teacher were trying to get kids back into school right now, that teacher's completely insane!

Try to remember that some teachers teach science and some teach health. These same teachers are collegues of the entire staff and clearly understand biology and the behaviour of viral pandemics far better than you do. These are TEACHERS, which means that they're qualified to TEACH. That means they know a crapload more about things that you do because otherwise, it would be you teaching instead of them.
How so? 99.97 % are surviving even without the vaccine.
Nope, CDC said schools are low risk now and kids can be 3 foot apart and dont have to be quarantined if exposed! So its no longer a danger, your government said so. Also if you test positive that doesnt MEAN youre positive and you dont have to quarantine unless you get 2 positives!

I mean you wouldnt be claiming the government is....LYING to you, would you? They'd never lie about a disease to get people to do what they want!

No. These guidelines are u-to-date as of this month


Physical distancing (at least 6 feet) should be maximized to the greatest extent possible. To ensure physical distancing, schools should establish policies and implement structural interventions to promote physical distance of at least 6 feet between people. Cohorting or podding is recommended to minimize exposure across the school environment.

And when the **** did you last see kindergartner who would actually stay where you told them to? You don't get that kind of expected societal restricted behavior until you're a pre-teen If you want to do anything below high-school, you're going to need four classrooms attached to each other to have any possibility of having enough space to enforce podding and teach a sing class! That is simply impossible!

High school students are currently about 3 feet away frm each other (in more packed districts), so you would still have to double the floor-space of every classroom to meet CDC guidelines. (o split classes in two, but that would require twice as many teachers.) The added overhead of doubling your school's floor space is just uncanny how expensive it will be!
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It is a partnership after all. Educators teach. Parents should deliver teachable children. What I do have a problem with is Leftist ideology being forced on the kids. That isn't education. It's propaganda. Controversial topics are best left to the home.
Do enlighten us about the "ideology" you find offensive.

When people like you start having fits about "Leftist ideology being forced on the kids", they usually mean science, math, biology and other studies that's in conflict with their religious beliefs.

Guess what, you can keep your kids at home so they're eventually as ignorant as can be to the world around them.
Or they can go to a religious school run by one of the many American fundamentalists and work for a minimum wage when they graduate.

Win win situation!!