Facebook will stop flagging 'fake news'

Cal Jeffrey

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Facebook has decided to discontinue the flagging of articles deemed “fake news.” It announced the decision in a Medium post yesterday.

The social media giant began a war against fake news after being accused of hosting bogus news articles during the 2016 presidential campaign. One of the weapons being used in the fight was adding the ability for third-party “fact checkers” to flag articles deemed misleading.

The feature was added to the platform this summer and by September, academics had already determined the flags were not working. Facebook hoped users would be less likely to believe and share ‘disputed’ news but a study from Yale claims this is rarely the case. The research showed that people are only 3.7 percent more likely to identify an article as fake when it is flagged. Such a small percentage indicates that efforts to point out false news are mostly pointless.

Another study published in the journal “Psychological Science in the Public Interest” showed that flagged stories in some cases could actually “further entrench someone’s beliefs.” In other words, by labeling an article as “fake news,” Facebook may have been reinforcing the beliefs of people who agreed with what was being put forth.

"Research suggests that strong language or visualizations (like a bright red flag) can backfire and further entrench someone’s beliefs."

Facebook also conducted its own research and found that other means, such as offering related articles for context, were more effective than flagging.

“In April of this year, we started testing a new version of Related Articles that appears in News Feed before someone clicks on a link to an article. In August, we began surfacing fact-checked articles in this space as well. During these tests, we learned that although click-through rates on the hoax article don’t meaningfully change between the two treatments, we did find that the Related Articles treatment led to fewer shares of the hoax article than the disputed flag treatment.”

Because of this, Facebook will stop flagging fake news and focus more on curating “related articles.” It will continue to use third-party fact checkers to identify bogus content but instead of disputing it, the related content will contain “fact-checked information.”

“While we’ve made many changes, we’ve also kept the strongest parts of the previous experience. Just as before, as soon as we learn that an article has been disputed by fact-checkers, we immediately send a notification to those people who previously shared it. When someone shares this content going forward, a short message pops up explaining there’s additional reporting around that story. Using language that is unbiased and non-judgmental helps us to build products that speak to people with diverse perspectives.”

Permalink to story.

What's the saying? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. If you flag something is fake and give somebody information showing it's fake, you can't help it if they don't care or ignore the evidence... Oh well.
Simple links to Fact-check should be sufficient - -
but there I go assuming a literate community again. Hmm: Oxymoron: Literate FB.
At first glance Facebook seems to be doing about the only sensible thing it can in this situation. However, the underlying problem with "fact checking" groups is that most of them are bought and paid for by leftist political concerns. George Soros, the Annenberg Policy Center, the list goes on. Even worse, these groups mostly reference *each other* in an effort to create a phony consensus. This means that the fact checkers are just a second line of propaganda behind the overwhelmingly biased media. You don't have to dig very deep to figure this out. Over 80% of all stories reported by American news outlets are sourced from the Associated Press, a wire service that is run by high ranking Democrats, their families and close friends. The same people also run the newsrooms at NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and nearly every other TV network. Its a complete farce and the only alternative to it is Fox News which is almost as biased in the other direction. Your best guides for finding the truth are common sense and history. The world is run by greedy megalomaniacs so always expect a scam, never trust a word they say and read the actual records of their words and actions whenever possible. If those records aren't available, that's when you should *really* worry.
Admittedly I'm not sure how the mechanic's' would work but you would think they could flag anything that fails a fact check and simply delete it or put it on "hold" until the poster could prove the authenticity of the article. In this day and age it just doesn't appear to be that difficult.
It's not for Fakebook to tell people if so called news is "fake".
What some call fake/false, others may call truth.
1) It's not FB's job to flag 'fake' news.
2) No one trusts FB, since they're well known to stifle conservative news, pages, and postings (Just like Twitter).
3) Fake is fake and real is real. But what some consider fake news, others consider real news and vice versa. We have a biased propaganda-driven MSM that isn't trustworthy any longer. They brought this on themselves and need to fix it, not really on untrustworthy sources like FB to do it for them.
Admittedly I'm not sure how the mechanic's' would work but you would think they could flag anything that fails a fact check and simply delete it or put it on "hold" until the poster could prove the authenticity of the article. In this day and age it just doesn't appear to be that difficult.
Wouldn’t work. Republicans would still say god is real and democrats would still say global warming is real.
As stated above both sides spill fake nonsense all over the place.
I hate this 'fake news' term. Falsehood, obfuscation, misleading, full of lies are all perfectly acceptable English language words/phrases.
1) It's not FB's job to flag 'fake' news.
2) No one trusts FB, since they're well known to stifle conservative news, pages, and postings (Just like Twitter).
3) Fake is fake and real is real. But what some consider fake news, others consider real news and vice versa. We have a biased propaganda-driven MSM that isn't trustworthy any longer. They brought this on themselves and need to fix it, not really on untrustworthy sources like FB to do it for them.

1. It IS Facebook's job. The whole problem is that often times, fake news spreads like wildfire on Facebook, hence why they are looking into the issue. Any company that spreads (or allows to spread) fake news has the responsibility to do something to prevent it.
2. As stated above, some posts get 10k likes and/or shares easily on Facebook. Obviously some people believe it.
3. You just immediately countered your own point. Fake is fake and real is real... PERIOD. If you say some actor is dead and he isn't, it's fake. Some people might argue it's true but they are wrong. Fake is fake, simple as that. Every question has an answer no-matter how muddy the waters get. Trump excels in calling real news fake and fake news real. When you have a recording of him saying something, he might call it fake but that doesn't make it fake!

Facebook did it correctly. Don't immediately deem something fake, give resources that allow the reader to look into if it's fake or not.
Global warming is a religion too. Didn't you know?
You'll have to try to explain, (to heathens such as myself), where "religion" ends, and, "cult",or mindless fanaticism begins.

Note that I'm specifically referring to, (albeit in a somewhat off topic manner), to "right to life" fringe lunatics, who seem to have adopted Jesus as an example as to what can be routinely be achieved via single parent child rearing.
At first glance Facebook seems to be doing about the only sensible thing it can in this situation. However, the underlying problem with "fact checking" groups is that most of them are bought and paid for by leftist political concerns. George Soros, the Annenberg Policy Center, the list goes on. Even worse, these groups mostly reference *each other* in an effort to create a phony consensus. This means that the fact checkers are just a second line of propaganda behind the overwhelmingly biased media. You don't have to dig very deep to figure this out. Over 80% of all stories reported by American news outlets are sourced from the Associated Press, a wire service that is run by high ranking Democrats, their families and close friends. The same people also run the newsrooms at NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and nearly every other TV network. Its a complete farce and the only alternative to it is Fox News which is almost as biased in the other direction. Your best guides for finding the truth are common sense and history. The world is run by greedy megalomaniacs so always expect a scam, never trust a word they say and read the actual records of their words and actions whenever possible. If those records aren't available, that's when you should *really* worry.

WTH?? Apparently you don't have a shovel? Dig Deep??? Have you even been on FB? What country?? Because here in the Real World the "Fake News" Headlines (the stories do eventually refer readers to the AP or Washington Post/CNN articles) but 95% never read that far. However the OUT OF CONTEXT Abbreviated/Altered Attention Grabbers aka "Headlines" have the non-readers obliviously click click clicking their mindless posts spreading this Fake News throughout the so called "Social Media" (no definition found-see Social Networking) which results in more clicks(see spam) in a recurring multi level pyramid of lazy social consciousness that is usually exactly what they dummies belief they are protesting! Upon closer and thorough due diligence you will find that 98% of the Attention Grabbers (reposts) are submitted by a adolescent or even pre-pubescent Blogger who has given themselves an imaginary Title that they have neither the experience, qualifications, or official sanction to use. ex. Political Analyst/Correspondence, CEO/COO Pres/Chairman of a made up "Media" Organization that exists only on the Internet and consists of a group of Stoners/Gamers/Associates self appointed to a clever play on words leading one to believe they are or are associated with Anonymous.org or a subsidiary of, or a Founding Member of which as far as I know does not have a Media Arm. Nor do they operate as a corporation with Company Officers and Board Members. Or a Stringer for AP, Washington Post, WSJ, CNN, Fox News or some recognized mainstream News/Entertainment Company that has never heard of that Correspondent and does not hire Journalists who are 18 and have no Journalism Degree, or in College studying Business?? I have found each and every one of these scenarios by simply following the trail to the original post. You don't have to dig very far to find that. If you have any difficulty or are unfamiliar with the process. Facebook provides an extensive FAQ Menu as well as a fairly helpful Help Service/Bot. If you are inclined to respond to my comments please provide some verifiable facts, figures, ad sources to back up your spews. Links are best! Have a Nice Day!

ps. Thanks, no one previously knew that Media Companies that sell ads have a bad habit of slanting their reports to their/advertisers view(see Biased/Opinionated). Or that the Owners/Shareholders in these Conglomerates use them to push their Political View points and OMG influence the Public!! STOP THE PRESSES!! They are ooooh never-mind right? Unfortunately I feel it's only fair to let you know I believe the Super Hero Persona of "Capt. Obvious" is already been taken. Sorry! :( "If you're not part of the solution then you are part of the problem" DOH! Here's some links to help get you started.

Spoiler Alert!! You picked the Biggest Fake News Story since Elvis was spotted at Wal-Mart!! No digging required!! Hint: Google Hint Hint: Type in "George Soros Dead" hit the Enter Key (y)

Do you even read what you write??? 80% of All American News Reports from AP??? WOW! Source or Verification please. I'm sure AP would love to be Able to Advertise as The Biggest and Only News Service American Broadcasters rely on 80 % of the Time! Everybody else is going to love being able to lay off 60-70% of their Organization. Would you like to forward your email address I'm sure many of them would like to speak to you personally!

I am unsure about one thing though? If his influence extends beyond the Political Left, his Foundations and monetary contributions to the Democratic National Party and their candidates(Obama,Hillary,+)
Now I do not agree with Soros Politics(I'm a Die Hard Republican For Life!) I have been unable to find any references to his influence in Media. And I can't see if the organizations you say are under the influence of: In Your Words "Over 80% of all stories reported by American news outlets are sourced from the Associated Press, a wire service that is run by high ranking Democrats, their families and close friends. The same people also run the newsrooms at NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and nearly every other TV network and Fox News is no better." I admit I was at a loss as to who is reporting anything about him?

There can be no doubt he is determined to use his immense wealth to influence politics and governments and all reports indicate he has an uncanny ability to piss everyone off. The list includes Presidents and Prime Ministers of Ukraine, Crimea, Korea, Russia, India, China, England, Poland, Turkey, Canada, and the US so far! This is definitely one scary and influential man. He is on par in the Investment world with the likes of Warren Buffet and Forbes Magazine lists him as a World Leading Philanthropist second only to Bill & Melinda Gates. But unless you can provide some direct references to he and his friends and family controlling almost every major media conglomerate in the Western World you leave me no choice except to call BULLSHIT! His own kid won't even work for him or his Foundations! He resigned and so should you BECAUSE YOU ARE FAKE NEWS! I am not a Trump Supporter per se nor do I support the Democratic Candidates(IMO Obama was Bad for America and Hillary/Sanders are the same group) but this misinformed chatter is cluttering the airwaves and clouding peoples judgement and Y'all need to stop! Cease and Desist. If you say something have the facts to back it up or shut it up! This Twitter Twatter will kill what little Democratic Process and resemblance of a Public Forum for Free Speech that we have left and serves no positive purpose whatsoever. If you find me harsh and critical well I don't apologize! What goes around comes around it's the way of things and you opened the door! Have a nice Day!:cool:

Maybe we should go back to old school, methodology ("all medieval" as it were) and deliver the "news", in 100 pound balls of bullsh!t, slung though the cellar windows of geeks and gamers alike, right in the middle of the "AAA game of the week" :eek: :D


But surely I jest....., or do ! :confused: Fire in the hole...........!
1) It's not FB's job to flag 'fake' news.
2) No one trusts FB, since they're well known to stifle conservative news, pages, and postings (Just like Twitter).
3) Fake is fake and real is real. But what some consider fake news, others consider real news and vice versa. We have a biased propaganda-driven MSM that isn't trustworthy any longer. They brought this on themselves and need to fix it, not really on untrustworthy sources like FB to do it for them.
Who is they exactly? The issue with FB is the Fake Headlines that are being forwarded around the World that cause a skewed view of a particular situation or event. These misleading "Articles" are usually written by some Amateur Writer with some unknown connection to a News Service (WP. CNN, FOX) that has no qualifications, no training, and is in fact not even a Journalist of any standing.(Bloggers). However though it's true the "Sheeple" who are propigating these "Rumors" should be more conscious of their stupidity.(forming an opinion with only a snippet of the facts) the problem is that these Hoaxes and Rumors are being started my so called "Media Organization(s)" whose only purpose is to sell advertising. That they are able to take advantage of a "Jump on the Bandwagon of the Moment" culture is sad but still deplorable and unethical on the part of the instigators. Greed and Personal Profits should never be allowed let alone accepted in a Social Medium. That is simply immoral I don't care what ideology someone subcribes to it's just wrong anyway you look at it.