File (excel and word) vault for windows


I am looking for a reliabe file (mostly Excel and word files) vault for Windows 7. I have not found anything at the moment.

Would you please advise some solutions?

Thanks a lot,
Need some help here "reliabe file ... vault" - - what do you mean - - what does a vault provide for you?
A place where to safe store excel and word files and open them securely far from spyware ecc.

In other words, I have few excel and word files that I would like to keep far from spyware and virus eyes. I would then like to open them securely without risking the password to be sniffed and the file to be stolen.

Thanks for helping, Daniele
AHA. I use a PGP product (see description) for this. Instead of encrypting the whole HD (wasteful in time and makes recovery more difficult), I encrypt files that I what to keep away from prying eyes and to ensure that I am the only one modifying them.

When on XP/Pro, I found FileAssurity and learned to love it. After migrating to Win/7 the product was not as well integrated as it was in XP, but still very useable.

Caveat: Some people will not like the work flow a PGP system requires.
First, the sensitive file(s) must be first-time encrypted (and once you get acclimated) then the original file(s) deleted.

From there on, the work flow to open (for both read+write activities) is​
  • decrypt the file (foo.doc.pgp which creates foo.doc)
  • double click on the decrypted version (foo.doc) to open it
  • read, print or update as necessary
  • close the file
If the file was not modified, then securely delete the foo.doc (the original foo.doc.pgp is still there for later)​
If it was modified, the encrypt the modified version allowing the existing foo.doc.pgp to be overwritten and finally securely delete foo.doc​

It looks/feels cumbersome at first, but humans are adaptable and I no longer need to think about it at all.

On my laptop, such sensitive files are now safe even if the laptop gets stolen and I sleep well at night.