FYI about Malwarebytes

Hi This messed me up and I spent all morning trying to find out why my PC was going crazy. It felt like I had been badly affected with Malware. The problem seems to be fixed now! Scared the xxxx out of me for awhile. Never seen my PC act like that. At least they got on the problem solved pretty quick, but not until I was going crazy. OH that's the life of a PC user!;):D
The other day I woke up to see a message saying my memory was maxed out.
I restarted & saw MBs Web Protection was off & I couldn't restart it.
I clicked on update it & it did & I restarted the computer again & things seemed to be ok.

This had never happened before.
Now I know why.
Thanks. :)
Yuppers! That's the same thing I woke up to. My wife had been on the computer and thought she had done some thing to cause it. It took me all morning to get my PC straitened out. Even reinstalled a Macrium image before I realized what the problem was. Yup you have the latest update. Thanks for your reply and another great screen shot. You are well know for your screen shots.(y)
The other day I woke up to see a message saying my memory was maxed out.
I restarted & saw MBs Web Protection was off & I couldn't restart it.
I clicked on update it & it did & I restarted the computer again & things seemed to be ok.

This had never happened before.
Now I know why.
Thanks. :)
Thanks for clarifying this, I saw your other thread & was confused . I use free versions.