Having issues with Powerdirector 15


Getting this error here stating that I have to be an administrator and I always "run as admin" as well. Installing from disk or online doesn't change anything.

All of my drivers are updated running on 7700k/1080ti.

Is it because I'm running on Windows 10 Education education?
Are you the owner of your computer, in windows 10 what is you're user status ?
Try this here and see what it tells you what status you are logged into.
If its a school computer there is not much you can do but talk to the IT department and have them install it for you.
If its a family computer you share with anyone else at the house talk to you're parents first and let them do it.


Did some digging around and it seems like cyberlink still can't get it right years later.
I highly recommend that you read these 2 pages, check the second page for more details.
If all else fails call and email cyberlink and see directly what the problem is on their end.
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That's sad.

It says stu/myuser when I type whoami. But it "my info" in the settings it says I'm administrator. I built this computer.
Check the second link I posted and give it a try, register with that forum.
Tell them the problem or link them this thread you are having issues with.
If it still does not work, the problem will fall back on cyberlink, the tier 2-3 technicians are the only ones capable of fixing that.