How about a news article on this porn-blocking initiative?

What can you say? It's an initiative showing yet again the popular ideology in their State of much less Gubmint involvement......Unless it's something THEY want. Then it's "in the best interest" of 'Murica. And it's something they thrive on really because even if you are against this initiative are you going to stand up in public and say so? It's perfect back door legislation to appear to be hard at work while that gives them more time to, ironically, watch more porn.
Yeah well, this nonsense is coming out of Utah. Where it would seem, it's "legal" to have a half dozen wives, as long as you dress them in sack cloth and ashes.

Of course, I suspect the 15 year olds have Victoria's Secret thongs tucked under those canvas potato sacks.

"The only way to keep the rooster's colors up is to change the hens periodically. :rolleyes:

(That's muh story, an I'm a stickin' to it).