IE10 will only work on Windows 7 and up, no Vista support

I only use IE for work and testing/troubleshooting software/website issues.
Generally I use Opera and Chrome.

I can't think what would be the reason for cutting off Vista support (other than, for want of a better analogy, one would wish to cut off a gangrenous limb). Probably used some Win7 only .net/silverlight/system dlls when implementing it.
Looks like Microsoft is out to put Vista and XP in the rear view mirror. Hard to believe that IE 10 couldn't be supported on Vista, even if it took a service pack to get it done. While I can understand that it's time to pull the plug on XP, it seems a bit too soon to be bailing out on the folks running Vista.
Tis , OK... There are other very good web browsers that will run much better than Internet Exploder on many different operating systems...

Tis funny to watch Steve Balmer shoot himself in the foot again, but maybe this is only a rumor to see how it plays in the press or on wall street greed...

Google Chrome, Opera, and Firefox to name three cross platform web browsers, and there are more if you take the time to investigate...
