Ignore function not working?


Posts: 6,452   +9,587
Can we please get this fixed? I've seen it mentioned from other users that the ignore function isn't working on their end either. I don't know if this just works on the forums because it certainly doesn't work under articles which is arguably where it is needed most.
It’s only implemented in the forums, not in the main comments. However I believe we can implement it by next month. We just figured out a way to do it efficiently :eek::D

I’ll keep you posted.
We may have cracked it earlier than expected. Give it a try and let me know if it’s working for you.
THANK YOU!! it does appear to be working. I had to look through articles to find quotes to confirm they actually did post.

Considering how difficult it was to find quoted posts of ignored users I will file this as a minor inconvenience.
Kudos to @adonisfigueroa who resolved this and made it work in a very short time. He only had to go through a ton of xenforo code spaghetti and find the right functions :bomb:

I also remember having this conversation about the ignore user functionality a while back in the forums with a group of members, but I can't seem to find it. If you have tracked it down @yRaz please send the link here so I can update those guys to let them know.
I want to ignore a user and I cannot because nothing pop up when I move the cursor over his username. I click on the username and his profile just doesn't appear ever. Is this a cheat he is doing or just a bug in the forum software? It is for now the only person with whom I am having this problem. Can anybody help me?
Upon clicking (on a desktop) you should see the user "card" where you can hit the ignore button. Or you can open the link of his profile in a new window and do the same there.

Ignore function not working? | TechSpot Forums 2021-05-07 23-03-40.png
Thanks 🙏 This is a great quality of life improvement. Just checked it and ignore works fine under article comments.