June Steam hardware survey: AMD losing CPU share to Intel, Windows 10 cements top OS spot

What's really sad and ignorant is that you seem to believe that a higher number in a benchmark at low res with a high end graphics card always means a better experience. It doesn't even always mean a better experience WITH that higher end graphics card at low res! It's only 'better' when it makes a difference in the user experience. I am not willfully ignorant, you are.
Haha, whatever kiddo. Practically every single reviewer out there claim that Ryzen is second best at gaming. They and I know more than you.
Haha, whatever kiddo. Practically every single reviewer out there claim that Ryzen is second best at gaming. They and I know more than you.

Afraid not son. What you can't understand is degrees. I never said AMD is the 'best' CPU at gaming. This very site recommends AMD for gamers in the midrange. Intel tends to be recommended only at the top when cost is no object with a very high end graphics card.
Since you seem to be so confident in yourself, can I get you to state for the record, that you believe a higher number on a benchmark chart always equals a better experience?
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Since the beginning of the year, I've been enjoying my 9700K, and I like buying American.
My 2 cents!
I fricking hate conspiracy theories, but its something that has been bugging my mind for a few weeks now. On my main rig, (r5 1600x, rx 590) steam never asked me about the specs of my pc.

But on the budget PC I bought for my mother (pentium g4560, using the IGP) the survey poped up within 1 month.

Coincidence? Probably yes, but its interesting nonetheless.

Why do you hate conspiracy theories? Only because the media has convinced us that they don't exist? Just use your brain. If something brings money to someone, and he can get away with it, he'll be doing it. Even if it's not legal (but as I said, nobody will catch him).

Plots and conspiracies are linked to intelligence. Intelligent beings plot and conspire. You don't see roaches or ants conspiring. You don't see the prion-molecules conspiring. Cats and dogs, nope. Little children, nope. Dolphins... kinda (when two males conspire to capture and rape a female dolphin). Grownup humans... yes, they do. Not believing in conspiracies means not believing in intelligence.

Of course, that doesn't mean you have to believe in EVERY conspiracy. Earth is NOT flat. Marijuana was not banned by pharmaceuticals because it "cures all diseases". Satellites don't scan your brain and read your mind.

But there's a lot more real conspiracies happening right now (in the entire world) than even the hard-core conspiracy theorists believe. Every hidden premeditated crime involving 2 or more people is a conspiracy. Corruption included. That's what the law says. Now... imagine how many cases of corruption happen in all the countries in the world right now. Countless.

Corruption includes rigging the stats if someone pays you to do that. How can anyone prove they were rigged without any doubt? It's almost impossible to disprove them. So... they can get away with it. A perfect crime.
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I like
Since the beginning of the year, I've been enjoying my 9700K, and I like buying American.
My 2 cents!

I like buying stuff that just works. My only venture with Ryzen was a nightmare, the 2200G, the iGPU never worked, no matter what I did. I finally gave up and threw a 780Ti into it. Built over 16 Intel based systems in the last 5 years and not once did I have such a nightmare. I've also had far more issues with AMD drivers for their GPUs (16x AMD cards) than I have had with Nvidia (22x cards) in the same time frame. AMD drivers are garbage; if they supported their own products instead of having the same chronic problems from their sloppy QC practice, they would probably be doing a lot better.
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"Intel's chips are better than AMD's for 80% of consumers. They have the brand recognition, the performance, and stability. ALL things AMD has struggled with."

Brand recognition? Only because of illegal trade practices.
Performance? Only for games, which is really a stupid thing to be good at.
Stability? Hmmm, we are getting rid of Intel as soon as Rome comes out. To dangerous to have intel with its vulnerabilities.
I have seen a large number of orders today for AMD. I see the orders come by where I work.

It started 10 minutes after the reviews started to come online.