LG V30 Review: Big and Beautiful, But...

Julio Franco

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May I just express my appreciation for the thoroughness and clarity of this article. This is the first time I've seen anyone investigate the throttling behaviour properly and it explains why this phone feels hardly any faster than the G6. Your comprehensive battery life tests are really handy too.

PS nice to see Melbourne in the example pics :) We just got the V30 here and it's beautiful yet flawed, same as so many LG phones over the years.
Great review - basically, we now know that LG OLED are just not as good as Samsung... maybe that will change in a year or 2...

And since when is "18:9" a thing? Is there a difference between 2:1? Or is it just because people are too dumb to know the difference between 2:1 and 16:9, so must have it given as 18:9....
I have come to accept that most people will not love the V30 as much as I do. This was a very good review. It's true that the display does have a blue tint at off angles. I've yet to see the color inconsistencies and I enjoy the display personally. My other phone is the iPhone X which is supposed to have one of the great displays but I like the size of the V30 so overall I prefer it's display.

In every other way that matters to me the LG has impressed me. I never even considered LG before but the Band 71 connectivity and the quad dac lured me and I just love this phone. It is sleek and beautiful and very smooth in terms of performance. Very thoughtfully designed as I'm constantly impressed with little details of integration and features I haven't encountered before.

I've had so many smartphones since 1999 and haven't been excited by one in a long time. 2017 has been a good year for me as both the LG and iPhone have proven to be really enjoyable and I hope people will give the V30 a chance.
I had to chance to test this phone myself, after looking over G6, Samsung S8, S8Plus, S8 Note. I didn't see the S8 Active. Those phones have narrow look and feel. What happens if they fall they will surely cost a dear penny to fix. Then again the bulk of the protected cases. Yuck. I had settled for Moto Z2 Force shatter proof design passed over V30. I had nice LG G3 until it feel out of my hands and really got damaged. Ouch..Some clear packaging tape can solve that fix. But who want to look at that daily. Not me! For not I am enjoying Moto Z2 Force fits excellent in my cargo pants where as 6 inch would fall out and hit the ground ouch the 5.5 HD 4K holds it own. Not all these cells phones will live up to the promises let yourself be the judge.
So he goes and makes certain to illustrate the negative aspects of the phone but doesn’t explore the big identity of the v30 which is its quad dac. Every other reviewer explored this great feature that blows every phone and matches stand alone music players. Smartphone users do want their devices to play great audio. Mediocre review