Longhorn's new WinFS file system

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Julio Franco

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Tom's Hardware has put up an article discussing the upcoming WinFS File System that is set to debut with the next generation of Windows code-named 'Longhorn'.

The article gives good information about the workings of the the various FAT systems and NTFS system and rounds up most of the already known information on WinFS, good read if you haven't following the news lately.
I've been hearing this sort of thing for a while - rumours of Gates wanting to integrate MS SQL server into windows somehow and give it away for free to annoy Oracle.

I think some of this will mean that you will be able to do a lot of more interesting things with regard to how you search for, and within, files. The opportunity to make SQL queries and transactions govern the workings of the file system opens up some interesting possibilties, like some kind of data mining technology, etc.

I think that this will ultimately be a good thing.

Well, for the consumer, anyway. I dare say it will spark some kind of legal battle as per usual ;)
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