Microsoft outlines Xbox One's new reputation system

Shawn Knight

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microsoft xbox reputation xbox one reputation system

Microsoft’s upcoming Xbox One will include a new reputation system that replaces the current star-based rating system on the 360. It will be designed to reward those that just play the game and are good participants while individuals that play against the spirit of the game or harass others will likely end up playing with people similar to them.

In an interview recently published by The Official Xbox Magazine, Microsoft senior product manager Mike Lavin noted the program isn’t based strictly on user-created ratings. Instead, it’ll take into account metrics like how often you are blocked or muted by other players and whether moderators have had to take action against you.

These scores are intended to be public so others will be able to see if you are a good, friendly player or a bad apple. But if you were planning to ruin another user’s reputation purely out of spite, think again.

That’s because the system doesn’t allow for such behavior partially because the score is adjusted over time and also because it actually checks to see if you’ve played against said player before you can complain about their in-game behavior. Users can still file a complaint but it won’t count for nearly as much, we’re told.

Similar systems have been tried in the past elsewhere but not on a network as large as Xbox Live. Whether or not it’ll actually be an effective measure against trolls remains to be seen considering the current star system isn’t very effective.

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Judging from all the negative posts I've read about this thing, buying it will already net you a bad rep so whats the point...
So let me get this strait...

1) if you actually do end up buying the console...
2) and you get into a game with an obvious jerk/cheat/etc.
3) you can't bother reporting him because unless you've played with him for a month or something, it won't count for crap... So his other cheat/hack/jerk/etc. friend just gives him a max rating who he plays with all the time and he looks like Mr. Goodie Two-shoes...

Ya... I don't see that working very well... But, we'll see.. (well, I won't, not getting it...)
I would hope it works better than the current system. I am an older player without the reflexes I used to have to compete with the young guns. When I first started playing COD: MW2 years ago, I would take it slow, use cover etc. - what some players call camping. I really didn't have the ability to run and gun and always came out on the losing end of those type encounters which was no fun at all. I got a few bad reports for sportsmanship etc. and the only thing I was doing was what they called camping. I do run and gun mostly but am still a bit cautious - and it is fun to me, but my reputation hasn't changed in more than 3 or 4 years and has never been corrected. I never quit early or backed out or killed my own team etc. but I guess when someone reports you for things even if they are lies, it still sticks with you on your reputation. I hope they get this fixed by all means.
Sounds good. They have a similar system in DOTA2 which seems to be working well.
Sounds good. They have a similar system in DOTA2 which seems to be working well.
Agreed. While a site like this proves reputation can still be gathered by clowns repping clowns, I still agree with the overall concept.
Too many little weenie crybabies who get their feelings hurt these days. The fact that Xbox live even has to implement this is pathetic. Iv trash talked, and been trashed talked to many many times. Not ONCE have I filled out a complaint or even the star rating system on someone. Why?, because I frankly don't care! That's life people. Sometimes you will meet people you don't like. And people love to complain. Like a previous post said, he has to camp because his reflexes are not as fast as some others. So his reputation drops because of it. Stupid.

The only people this will help is the 12 year old kids playing a M-rated game like call of duty who get made fun of. How about this.....dont play a mature rated game online if you cant handle a little aggravation. Problem solved