Movie app for iPad 2?


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As I was trying to find some movies to watch on my iPad the other day, it kept trying to get me to Download a different app depending on what movie it was. I don't want or need a dozen different apps for movie(s), I'd like to know if there is a single app for all types of movies? Thanks in advance & yes I have been doing a lot of googling:) thank you.
In a nutshell, I was looking up several different movies from a movie website I found but everytime I chose a movie,it sent me to a different app so I don't know if it means MKV,FLV, ???, ??? Or what. I have watched several of the movies on my W7 but I'd like to watch one or two on my iPad if possible.
It sends you to an app probably because it is a file not a playable video in the browser.
If you buy the film from iTunes you should be fine with watching it on your iPad. Alternatively, you could transfer the video file from your computer to the iPad using Player Xtreme HD and it will play.
That would be fine if I watched a movie more than once, but I seldom do. The only movie movie I've watched multiple times is The Wizard of Oz. I might watch a movie twice, but then no more. But I thank you for the info :)
If I had the $$$$ I'd probably not be asking. I'll just stick with watching them on my W7 & my awesome sound system :)
I play MOV and MP4 on my iPad with no apps. My webserver exports MP4 as a default to all browsers
I'll retry a movie or two to see what happens if you think it's advisable? I don't want to mess my iPad up.
I Save videos to the PC, show iTunes where they are and let Sync do it's job. Anything incompatible is ignored and not sent to the iPad
Default iTunes videos come in a whole rash of formts (see the wiki). The important ones are:
  • MOV (aka quicktime)
  • MP4
  • H.263 & H.264
  • WebM
In addition, content purchased via some online store (eg Apple Store) frequently has DRM associate and exporting to another device is problematic. That means, if iTunes doesn't know about device xyz, then it will not download to it. This strongly hints that DRM enforcement may be the issue when purchased content has DRM and you need to download to device xyz.

Googling for "video format converter" will point to several tools for conversion
One converter I've used is: Handbrake
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True, but why bother with conversion when an iPad app like Player Xtreme HD will play virtually anything without the bother? Conversion is making loads more work. IPad will play some mp4 files but refuse others which is pretty annoying and an obvious area for improvement. It's nice to be able to play videos on the iPad for something like a plane flight though. In reality this is fairly academic in that it's just nice to know how to do something even if you aren't likely to apply the know-how very often.
TeeVee 3 is great. It's perfect for what I need it to do. I had deleted it until today because the iCloud sync was driving me mad. Deleted TV shows kept reappearing but that appears to be all sorted now.

Buddy TV is downloading right now so I'll take a look at that but as a back-up I have a note in Evernote with TV shows I'm watching listed ('cause you never know...)
TeeVee 3 is great. It's perfect for what I need it to do. I had deleted it until today because the iCloud sync was driving me mad. Deleted TV shows kept reappearing but that appears to be all sorted now.

Buddy TV is downloading right now so I'll take a look at that but as a back-up I have a note in Evernote with TV shows I'm watching listed ('cause you never know...)
Thanks, but I'll stick with watching movies on my W7. :)