New names for WiFi protocols



According to ::

The Wi-Fi Alliance announced this change on Wednesday, October 3, saying:

For nearly two decades, Wi-Fi users have had to sort through technical naming conventions to determine if their devices support the latest Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi Alliance is excited to introduce Wi-Fi 6, and present a new naming scheme to help industry and Wi-Fi users easily understand the Wi-Fi generation supported by their device or connection.

Looking back at older generations of Wi-Fi, their new naming goes as follows:

  • 802.11b is now Wi-Fi 1
  • 802.11a is now Wi-Fi 2
  • 802.11g is now Wi-Fi 3
  • 802.11n is now Wi-Fi 4
  • 802.11ac is now Wi-Fi 5
The first Wi-Fi 6 devices are expected to arrive at some point next year and offer increased speed and better handling of multiple connections at once compared to Wi-Fi 5.​

But I couldn't find what Wi-Fi 6 is or will be ... guess I'm getting senile
One has to chase the link 'The Wi-Fi Alliance announced' to discover
Wi-Fi 6 to identify devices that support 802.11ax technology​