Not spam for us

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Stop joining things, and get a new Email account.


What email account are you using, is it or your actualy ISP account.

Hotmail/Yahoo do get a lot of spam naturally, plus as captaincranky says sometimes you can sign up to an 'I love to send you emails' website and the only way around it can be changing your email address
yea , I joined lots of daft stuff when I first got connected , a new e-mail address then so, its amazing how I was being tracked ,I was looking at a universities website ,then I got some spam minutes later saying, "you lecture is cancelled " etc....only to open them and find there offers for viagra, unbelievable , my account is gmail , will a new account stop this or does someone have my IP address pinned, I use a ps3 so I think my IP is fixed , thanks for the feed back guys.
Are you new to the internet?
Spam such as what you describe has been common for years... Internet Explorer, Firefox, Gmail, Eudora, MSN... all of them have fixes...
If you want to not be bothered much, suscribe to a gmail account... those files do not remain on your computer or your email system.
You will not find an easy solution, but there are plenty of free tools that will take it off, if they know what you consider Spam.
I think a new account is the best solution , yea I only got internet about 2 years ago, I heard its best not to try to unsubscribe as spamers know the e-mail account is live , good to know I can flag e-mail as spam to block, I didn't know that ,but the spam comes with a variety of headings and 4 or 5 e-mail recipients , thanks for the info raybay.
There are several email connections that will offer you a spam free connection, as long as you tell them what is spam and what is not.
Spam is a normal condition for most of us, and is just ignored...
Gmail is a good compromise, particularly if you have another email account for your business, close family, and closer friends.
a new gmail account then so, I'll foward the address to me friends and family, thanks you guys:grinthumb
Yes, our experience also... but add NetZero and Juno... Hotmail. Netzero, and Juno are serious problems for all our clients who use them.
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