NSA classifies Linux Journal readers, Tor and Tails Linux users as "extremists"

*boots up Ubuntu*
*opens techspot*
*posts comment*
*sees assassin*
I read this post while running Linux Mint 17. Yeah, they already know. I'm not a terrorist. But, I do think that 9/11 was an inside job.
I am so glad that the NSA legally can't operate in the United States.... Oh... Wait... Well **** me with a police state, they don't give a **** about the law.
I dunno Guys... I mean, it is the NSA. They have an extremely important job to do. I'd rather they play unfair and find terrorists and criminals than respect everyone's "right to privacy". They don't publicly share or arrest people for most of the petty criminal things they found "illegally." Who else is going to protect us from Terrorists trying to blow **** up, spread disease or other. People trying to encrypt stuff online is kind of a joke anways rite? We have some people on the opposite end of the spectrum sharing their entire lives on facebook without a care in the world.. What is it that alot of these people are so desperate to hide with their encryption anyways? So many 'hackers' and sickos are just up to no good, using these tools for nefarious purposes. I know most of the world would rather stick their heads in the sand and let their neighbors continue to do whatever so long as it doesn't affect them.
All this Snowden controversy is such bullsqueeze anyways... all these shady mis-informed e-freaks trying to Martyr some douchenoggler that leaked information that puts our entire country at risk and makes us look bad, BOOO. Im sure we've all read enough books to fear a totalitarian state which watches our every move but we are a far cry from that right now. Screw the illusion of privacy, if everything and everyone was more transparent we could cut down on alot of crime and focus on more pressing threats.
So yeah, just had to play devils advocate, even though im a pretty private person myself, sry if that offends any of these "extremists", maybe some of those creepers/crazos should spend less time moulding tin foil hats and cleaning guns and hating on people who actually work to make us safe.

I understand where you are coming from. That being said, I use encryption to keep my stuff safe. I don't want someone to steal my computer and then have the addresses, names, contact info, pictures, etc. of all of my friends and family. Also, I'm sure you know encrypted communication is what keeps people from being able to see your credit card info when you buy stuff online or see your bank login details when you go on your bank's website or anything else like that. Encrypted IM is great because if it's not encrypted any random person could read your messages. I know you probably don't care about most of that stuff but they could take personal conversations and blackmail you into paying them to not tell other people about a private conversation you had with one other person.

The thing is, for encryption to work there can't be any backdoors in it. Sure, in a perfect world we could set up a way that only the NSA could access it and they would only access it if they had a good reason to. However, there are people with a lot of time on their hands that just want to see the world burn and they will eventually find a way to see everything the way the NSA sees it.

Now that that's out of the way, I really don't appreciate being marked as a terrorist because I manage a Linux server for work. I'm doing my job, minding my own business but I'm marked as a terrorist because Linux (that's just stupid and kind of offensive). Not to mention I have to keep up with encryption and have to know how to fully implement encryption because of HIPPA (which thinks private stuff should remain private)

Additionally, the NSA hasn't really caught anything at all from mass surveillance. Actually, Kurzgesagt did a great video on this very recently: https://youtu.be/V9_PjdU3Mpo

Is it too much to ask that if I have a private conversation with someone for that conversation to remain private? I'd really like to think not (I mean, it used to not be.)
I dunno Guys... I mean, it is the NSA. They have an extremely important job to do. I'd rather they play unfair and find terrorists and criminals than respect everyone's "right to privacy". They don't publicly share or arrest people for most of the petty criminal things they found "illegally." Who else is going to protect us from Terrorists trying to blow **** up, spread disease or other. People trying to encrypt stuff online is kind of a joke anways rite? We have some people on the opposite end of the spectrum sharing their entire lives on facebook without a care in the world.. What is it that alot of these people are so desperate to hide with their encryption anyways? So many 'hackers' and sickos are just up to no good, using these tools for nefarious purposes. I know most of the world would rather stick their heads in the sand and let their neighbors continue to do whatever so long as it doesn't affect them.
All this Snowden controversy is such bullsqueeze anyways... all these shady mis-informed e-freaks trying to Martyr some douchenoggler that leaked information that puts our entire country at risk and makes us look bad, BOOO. Im sure we've all read enough books to fear a totalitarian state which watches our every move but we are a far cry from that right now. Screw the illusion of privacy, if everything and everyone was more transparent we could cut down on alot of crime and focus on more pressing threats.
So yeah, just had to play devils advocate, even though im a pretty private person myself, sry if that offends any of these "extremists", maybe some of those creepers/crazos should spend less time moulding tin foil hats and cleaning guns and hating on people who actually work to make us safe.

The problem with your reasoning is that it is based on what you imagine. If had bothered to take a trip to your local library's history isle you'd have seen that there isn't one single example of a state that gives power to its security apparatus at the expense of people's right that doesn't end up in abuse and bad for the people sooner or later. Not a single one.

So here you are, with your opinions, that are based on your nightly dreams and counter to what any history book will tell you... if had bothered to read them.

Ever hear the sayings "history repeats itself" or "those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it"?

But hey, why use your head and research things when you can just listen to Clapper and he'll tell you how and what to think. Or that other great thinker that said "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" - Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister.

Besides, history is for silly people anyway...

He's coming from a good place. I mean he doesn't mean any harm. In a perfect world, we could make a way for only the NSA to see things and they would only request information if they had substantal evidence and reason to request said information and they only requested the information they needed and nothing more. However, this isn't a perfect world and none of that is possible.