Personal review for 2020



USA Today has a nice, atypical suggestion list as we head into the new decade:

  1. Change your passwords to keep hackers away.
  2. Go through your subscriptions to weed out the ones you're not using.
  3. Scan your analog photos and organize your digital collection.
  4. Clear out your smartphone apps.
  5. Back up your data
  6. Pull out the smartphone and interview your parents, kids or other loved ones, for posterity.

Number seven is not at all obvious is it! Wish I had that choice with my maternal grandfather, as he and his new wife were participants in the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1883. A full quarter section (160 square acres) of land was granted and title after living on the land and making improvements AFTER seven years. The title grant was signed by Calvin Coolidge. The stories would have been most interesting, as it's told that he loved camping on the prairie and trading with the Indians.

Like most 8 year olds, I was too naive, dumb and disinterested to take note of anything beyond the above ( sigh ).

For the record, the relocation of the native Indian tribes is one of the blackest marks on American history. Just Google the "Trail of Tears" or Chief Joseph.

You are invited to avoid the loss of your family histories by video, audio or both before it's too late -- after all -- this is the Information Age and you might as well make it work FOR you :)
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