Point This Magical Scanner At Your Food And It Will Count The Calories


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Point This Magical Scanner At Your Food And It Will Count The Calories


Developed by entrepreneur Isabel Hoffman and York University math professor Stephen Watson, TellSpec is a raman spectrometer (the same kind of technology used in Jack Andraka's $15 cancer-detecting device) that uses an algorithm to calculate what's in your food.

I doubt it will have much impact on expanding waistlines ............
Highly interesting, though
Hoffman and Watson have yet to make a prototype of the product they plan on selling.
While I have reservations about its accuracy, if and when it is marketed, I expect it will sell like...hot cakes.
There has to be smartphone apps that scan barcodes and give you nutritional information right?
That can only work for 'processed' food, not home cooked stuff. Anyway, I am skeptical about how much useful this thing is. Beside, imagine pulling this out to check calories in food during a party or something .........
For home cooked you'd just enter... Chicken 6oz. For other things you know your amount of each raw ingredient, which likely has a bar code. I just don't see how this is worth the price (although how is it so cheap anyway?).
The device feels like a scam. I agree, it probably will sell like hotcakes. All those calorie counting devices and apps are always popular
Alternatively, exercise four days a week and forget about the calories altogether.