Potentially the world's largest lithium deposit has been found in a US volcano

We won't use it. We have tons of oil too and we won't get it to save cost. The politicians and naive people pretend that we are doing the world a good deed by not using our own resources while we just make another country take advantage of their resources making them rich. Many of these places take advantage of the poverty they created for cheaper labor and safety protocols are very laxed which leads to a higher risk of environment damage.
The America Federation of Economic Hitmen is claiming that it's still far more cost effective to corrupt and source lithium from countries in South America.
Is nothing sacred to some people - I'm not going to interfere in this USA decision - but aren't you proud you have National Parks , Marine reserves
We can't mine in our National Parks - and they have valuable stuff
USA , NZ and 10 other countries signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1959- yet it was known to have huge gas , oil fields

So all these strawman statements above are just that - It's good to have protections in place , or proper cost/benefit analysis - Lithium is not going to suddenly disappear from the volcano
Should AI get free reign - should creating life in the lab get free reign.?
Should testing on animals , creating cellular brains in the laboratory( already happening with simple cell brains that can play pong ) get free reign ?
Is that pipeline from Canada to USA ( Keystone ) carrying crappy tar-sand oil really a great thing - with it's toxic cargo - much worse than a std oil spill
Is fracking next to your house and water table your family use worth it ?

Again not saying - don't mine for the lithium - but yee-har lets grab it- screw the local tribes the local environment is just weird
We can't drill our own oil because oil is bad.
But perfectly ok to mine minerals for batteries
You do know that after mining lithium the ground and environment can be put back after it’s mined? The US regulations state that after mining lithium the earth must be put back. It is easily way better than mining for oil on an environmental stand point.
I am somewhat surprised at some of the comments herein. CURRENTLY, Lithium is probably the best source for stored energy; in batteries. Nevertheless on the immediate horizon lies a product called Graphene. In the not-distant future Graphene will probably replace the lithium storage battery. It is much less expensive all around. Australia is "hot" on the production of producing storage of electrical energy .It is an infant today---------------