Power button fail

Not sure if its power button or psu or w/e fails.

Started few months ago, I need to press my power button few times to turn on the pc. Today my pc died. I tried to swap the reset button f-panel thing and didnt work. I dont have spare psu or MB to test.

Help pls
PC? Tower? PowerOn button is momentary contact. Is it switch or motherboard or PSU? Find manual for the motherboard. Find connection for power switch. Carefully note two pins to which it was attached. Remove connection at motherboard. Using flat screwdriver touch both pins at the same time. This should 'short' the two pins. Computer should start (defined as electrical activity like spinning fan etc.) at the moment contact is made.

If it starts, get a new 'pc power switch' (NewEgg, Amazon, eBay - about $3). If it doesn't, consider buying new motherboard. If it 'sort of starts', but not really and it turns itself off real quick, it is likely to be PSU (power good connection is saying power is not good).

Hope it is the first. Check your old switch all over before you spend big bucks.