Power outage with/with out internet


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Long story short at a previous residence I lived at several years ago we had a power outage but I was able to be online with my laptop since it was on battery power.
Lately, we had a power outage from Saturday till 2 days ago but I couldn't get online with my iPhone or iPad using battery, why?
Depends upon the Internet connection.
The iPhone could use a cell connection OR a wifi connection via your router (likely down without a UPS)
If the iPad does not have the cellular feature, then it too will fail on the missing wifi
It also depends on how large the power outage is, and whether or not the switch box was knocked out as well.
?? inform me please, to what "switch box" do you refer?
For lack of proper terminology

Yeah, seen these before too. Hopefully it's clear that a UPS doesn't care and will keep your systems alive long enough (or configured to auto-)shutdown in an orderly manner :)