
Posts: 19,690   +8,832
It's baaaa-ack:
Samsung's upcoming Galaxy S5 was long expected to feature an eye scanner for improved security. That feature, however, appears to have been shelved in exchange for a fingerprint scanner – one that could encompass the entire screen according to at...

I could almost swear that Shawn was the only writer this happens to. Is it possible his machine has corrupted fonts or a bad keyboard?

(If you look at my title , the site software turned the intended title, back into the quotation mark the characters stand for. You can only see the title I've actually typed, "r-s-&-q-u-o-t, when you go into "edit", or on the browser tab).

The Disclaimer: You should probably ignore the foregoing. I truly have no idea what I'm talking about.

It's also possible that I read more of Shawn's articles, than those of others. That said, I confess I don't always read the attribution......:D
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You should know be by now. I'd rather be being rude to people in the forum, than complain here at site suggestions.

But really, this nonsense is becoming more and more incoherent:

PornHub has issued a report detailing its visitors' browser distribution per platform. According to the porn aggregator, Safari was the top phone and tablet browser, while Chrome was the leading browser for the desktop.
Thanks for the report. FYI, this past weekend we upgraded our news editor backend and it looks like it's parsing some characters differently which we didn't catch at all. Should be fixed soon.
I don't know if this is interesting, or it's late and I'm tired, but here goes; I found the same glitch in a promo email from Amazon as the "rs&quot" bug that pops up here, (and is the topic of this thread), from time to time.

Here's the Gmail snippet: "The ragtag crew of Serenity—mercenaries, fugitives, and one law-abiding prostitute—pursue fast cash and a..."

And now the same text viewed from a webpage: The ragtag crew of Serenity—mercenaries, fugitives, and one law-abiding prostitute—pursue fast cash and a..."