Running/using A Computer Can Be A Full Time Job Anymore!


Posts: 436   +0
i love this site, because it is for beginners and "pros" alike. with all the different operations you need to carry out, and all the maintenance, upgrades, service, troubleshooting, etc, a computer isl ike a child that never grows up, because it is always changing and needs constant attention. but thats why we love it! it part of us! i take better care (or at least devote more time to) of my computer than i do myself! that says a lot. or maybe a little. oh well. i intend for this thread to hopefully become a semi-philosophical rant about computing in general, in it s entirety.
All the different operations I needed to carry out, and all the maintenance, upgrades, service, troubleshooting, etc, were the reasons why I bought myself a computer that doesn't need all that.

That need for constant attention to keep the previous computer working is why I dislike it.

I don't want to waste my time in trying to get the computer to work, or to do things the way I want.