Save an Image turns it red

Ronan Odriscoll

Posts: 10   +0

not sure if this is in the right section or not but here goes:

I have been using a badge maker software or rather testing and on my PC (windows 7) it works great.
However whenever my friend uses it and he has windows 8 and he tries to save the picture half the picture comes out red.

Im sure I have heard of this happening before but I cant remember how to resolve it.

is there anyway of solving this or is there something that he is doing wrong? I have attached a screenshot he sent though I have asked him for a better one as this one is not great

thanks in advance


  • inline_attachment_1.png
    26.8 KB · Views: 3
:grin: the default background is RED and it appears that it may have the actual picture smaller than the frame it was created in
Most likely it's how the image was created. Post the original graphic as actually sent from your system.
Where was the image created?? attach a copy of it from that system & I'll investigate how it's constructed.
Again::- send from the system that created the image.

the name of the program *might* be useful too