Screen not working after installing new graphics card

Hi, as the topic says, my screen isn't working after I put in a new graphics card. it was a Nvidia Geforce 9500, I put it in the correct slot, PCI or PCIe, and the screen doesn't even DETECT the computer now... the first time, I put it in poorly, the second it went in perfectly...but the screen still didn't work, I have been at this for 2 hours. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you have a graphics card before the nVidia 9500? If so, did you uninstall the old display drivers.

Check if the Primary Display Adapter in BIOS is set to PCI-E.
The last card was an integrated one, to turn it off I go to BIOS right? then find the integrated thing and disable it, and I shall set the primary to PCI-E, thankyou.

Sorry for the double post.

I went onto the account, disabled the integrated graphics card, Intel Chip Set, the screen zoomed in, and I then put the pc into the PCIE 16x, still didnt detect, tried PCIE 1x same results. I'm out of ideas @.@;
You need to first uninstall the Intel Integrated Graphics drivers using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. Then place the card in the PCI-E x16 slot, go into BIOS and change Primary Adapter to PCI-E. Reboot. Unless the card (or slot) is defective it should be detected.

Ensure that you've attached any extra power connectors to the card if required. Also check that your PSU meets the minimum power and current requirements for the GPU.
Thanks, I will do that, the only problem I'm seeing now is, I do not see the way to get into the BIOS, my other computer has it on the startup, it says like F11 to open BIOS. The other one doesn't say anything about BIOS, I will look around. Thanks again