Some jpeg images won't show - no preview available

I have just downloads pictures from a Site, some shows displays and some not, the format of the pictures are same and that is JPG, I have tried some tips provided here on the forum but no result. The main reason I have found is that because of Dimension. When I open those images which have no preview has also no showing their dimensions. So it can be a problem that can helps for preview. If any experts have idea for this will helps me and all of the guys for the same problem.
If you can't open an image it means that it is broken or contains virus. Try to load it once again - if it will not help it means that it was downloaded in a wrong way.
Just look similiar image from google by using google image search.image corruption occur due to some affecting virus or when its not completely download due to poor connection
Viewing in the File Explored, the file will have a Name, Type, Date and SIZE.

Failed downloads frequently have SIZE 0 bytes & clearly there can't be any preview :grin:

As to dimensions, like width, height, those NEVER show up in the File Explorer as the concept is from HTTP, the browser code. You can discover w&h by examining the file properties, but only on files size > 0