Suggestion about a review

Manuel Diego

Posts: 101   +213
I would very much like to see a review that compares the overclocking potential of a given Ryzen CPU (whichever) on several motherboards with both the B350/450 and X370/470.
In forums, some people argue that the only benefit of the X370/470 chipset over B350/450 is that it allows SLI. On the other hand, other people stress the fact that the B chipset in general doesn't have good enough power delivery to make high overclocks possible (at least not as high as on an X chipset).
It would be very interesting to actually compare the overclocking headroom for any particular CPU on several different mobos, so that we may know whether you really need a 10 phases VRM to achieve a meaningfull OC, or if any el-cheapo B350 would basically give you the same headroom.
Naturally, other factors would have to be considered when purchasing a mobo (expansion slots, sound quality, etc.), but it'd be nice to know whether X really does provide much more headroom or not.