now resource heavy


Posts: 37   +28
Hello Techspot editors and thanks for maintaining my #1 tech-nerd website.

I have noticed that is now very heavy on resources, if I'm on laptop the performance is very choppy, this was not the case only a few weeks ago. Even on my desktop I can really feel the weight.

Are you aware of this and is it the new "norm" or do you plan to do something about it.

Does anybody else here agree with me here?
I've not noticed any difference. Then again I'm running uBlock Origin, so it could be ads and I'm not seeing them or the slowness.
We don't have any notable changes on the frontend that could cause a slowdown, are you using Chrome or other browser and on Windows, Mac or Linux? Does it happen on the homepage, news stories, forum, or all pages? Knowing your location can also help us troubleshoot if you don't mind telling us.

Thank you for your feedback.