Tempe police chief says Uber not likely at fault in fatal self-driving accident with pedestrian

Video released. The car had no chance to stop. It was her fault. No charges will be filed!

OK, now let's keep technology moving please. Human error should not slow progress!
What are you expecting? For the car to abruptly go against a tree? or change lanes? or go against incoming traffic?... Yeah let's risk a couple more lives in the process of trying to save a suicidal person...

Come on... stop it already it got boring way too fast.
But this way you might risk driver's life.
If you read the article it happened at night, not many people around. This is an easy decision for a human to see that the they have the entire road to themselves and can cross a double-yellow safely and not smash into other humans for the sake of staying in the lanes. Sometimes in poor driving conditions a tap of the brake can send your car sliding or even just after it rains and the ground is slick. Imagine your self-driving car is going a little fast just like the one in the article, the ground is too slick, it goes to brake but its slick and starts a slide, will it swerve? Can it compensate and correct?

I've had to swerve multiple times into oncoming traffic, they were easy decisions because I knew it was safe.

Edit: watched the video and they had time to swerve. The stupid *** Jabba the Hut "driver" also said it happened in a flash...because they were staring at their phone going 40mph forgot to leave that part out. Yea it happened fast. Any old person with a slow reaction might have hit them but the average person paying attention to the road would have missed them with all the room they had.
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This is definitely Uber's fault. If they can't make a car to detect a pedestrian at night, they should just close the ****ing company and go home. Other self-driving cars can see at night (yes, IR detectors exist for decades), can emit and detect radio-waves (yes, RADAR exists since WW-II) and can measure distance to the object (yes, LIDAR exists for decades).

Uber's crappy car didn't have any of that. Their engineers should be fired. And the project manager should go to prison. Along with the CEO.
This is definitely Uber's fault. If they can't make a car to detect a pedestrian at night, they should just close the ****ing company and go home. Other self-driving cars can see at night (yes, IR detectors exist for decades), can emit and detect radio-waves (yes, RADAR exists since WW-II) and can measure distance to the object (yes, LIDAR exists for decades).

Uber's crappy car didn't have any of that. Their engineers should be fired. And the project manager should go to prison. Along with the CEO.
I see you’re not a fan of reading past comments... maybe read a bit...