The Witcher producer blames its falling viewership and simplified plot on Americans

Well done. The writes/producerd mess up the story writing and blame the failure on the under educated and inattentive audience.
Looking back into history, a show called game of thrones managed to capture an insanely large audience while having a way more complicated plot. Well, that was until the producers started rushing and simplifying the show towards the last seasons.
I am very sorry for my small brain.
Can't wait for more of this content
designed specifically for me.

Btw, they should seriously consider not filming S4.
The show went down with each next season.
You don't have to be a genius to predict how profitable
season 4 will be. Pay actors and that absolutely talentless hack (Hissrich)
making the show and be done with it. The show was getting a bit more atrocious
every next season. They kept adding more and more of really stupid ideas that any
sane human would dismiss without a hesitation.
I stopped reading your comment after I saw "woke leftist". Both of those words have become code for anything that the brain dead ultra-MAGA crowd doesn't like. We get it, you only want movies and shows with an all-white cast and male lead.
Yes, because someone says "woke" they automatically support "Slump" come out from under the rock you are hiding under and take a good long look at what's happening in the world these days. You might be shocked at what you see happening.
By trying to appeal to everyone, you end up appealing to no one.
They thought they were too clever. Clearly the initial series did get something right the latter did not. They dumbed it down and can't comprehend where the problem came from. Their excuse is the literal opposite of the reality yet it makes sense to them? Um what? Some people really are addicted to their own little narratives.
I stopped reading your comment after I saw "woke leftist". Both of those words have become code for anything that the brain dead ultra-MAGA crowd doesn't like. We get it, you only want movies and shows with an all white cast and male lead.
I enjoyed native Indian ones, but you guys killed them all.
What I liked about the Witcher books, and the first game, was that they were unique. Not super unique, but they had their own voice, even in translation. Netflix and Amazon are taking all these unique voices and turning them into a mush of boring sameness. Everything they touch turns into samey mashed potatoes.

For example, the Witcher is basically indistinguishable from every other YA fantasy drama at this point. It just lost its voice.
Such a shame it had to be dumbed down for the yanks. if Liam Hemsworth doesn't work out maybe they could get the orange turd Trump to assume the role.
No Netflix appeals to Woke leftists only and assume all people on other spectrum (center and right) will fall in line. Their writers spend so much time on appeasement that when it comes to writing actual script, they are mentally exhausted.
The Netflix producer blamed young people. Blaming young people and the tik tok generation is usually the opposite of what Woke leftists do.
Somehow children with cellphones had tens of hours available to enjoy the world of Witcher 3, full of a story and content.
What Witcher series did was to remove all fun and interesting, and creating an incoherent, generic series, with certain woke agenda to follow, massacring great characters and made them just out of context, and simply hoping a few labels will allow them to ride on game - and books - popularity.
We don't want this ****. We don't watch this ****. We dont want new captain marvell, we dont want new(if they can be called 'new') star wars movies, nor any other crap big publishers think we want, or rather, big producers trying to impose on us to change what we are and what content we consume.
I think the only good (fiction) movies I seen last years were Dune and Good Omen 2. Rest was... meh. And that's very concerning, especially seeing like they blame people for their own incompetence...
Dune reeked woke as f**. They changed the gender and race of Chani's father, liet kynes, they turned Jessica, Paul's mother, into a fighter (on the books, she and Paul are captured by the Baron, never in the woke movie), Jessica kills the Harkonnen soldiers instead of Paul, in the coming movie the marketing is "Chani and Paul join forces" - which NEVER happens in the books, Paul is the Bene Gesserit's Messiah and he rules the Universe by using the Fremen legions.
Other than that, I fully agree, Hollywood is full of agenda driven crap and I'm not watching anything woke.
Mission imposibile is not woke, Oppenheimer also. These two movies deserve to be seen. Indiana Jones floors hard because of the left crap. And I'm happy.
The fault lies solely with the show producers and writers.

Firstly that they seem to have disrespected the source writer and not appreciated how difficult it is to create character and story that captures the imagination of a worldwide audience. By going there own way, the writers have proven just how difficult this is, because their version of The Witcher now lacks on character and story.

Secondly they have tried to turn The Witcher into Game of Thrones but have so far only suceeded in turning it into GoT when GoT turned to crap. And for the same reason, the writers were no longer building upon the essence of brilliant source material. GoT writers had no choice but The Witcher writers actually chose that ill-advised path.

Thirdly they have disrespected the intelligence of the US market. GoT at it's best was a highly complex and intelligent drama of which the US and indeed the world couldn't get enough.To suggest that they were forced to dumb The Witcher down for the US audience shows that they don't even understand who they are writing the show for.
Dune reeked woke as f**. They changed the gender and race of Chani's father, liet kynes, they turned Jessica, Paul's mother, into a fighter (on the books, she and Paul are captured by the Baron, never in the woke movie), Jessica kills the Harkonnen soldiers instead of Paul, in the coming movie the marketing is "Chani and Paul join forces" - which NEVER happens in the books, Paul is the Bene Gesserit's Messiah and he rules the Universe by using the Fremen legions.
Other than that, I fully agree, Hollywood is full of agenda driven crap and I'm not watching anything woke.
Mission imposibile is not woke, Oppenheimer also. These two movies deserve to be seen. Indiana Jones floors hard because of the left crap. And I'm happy.

What are you talking about? Almost everything you listed about the newer Dune film has nothing to do with wokeness, and you didn't even get the facts about Dune correct.

1. Jessica is responsible for killing the Harkonnen soldier in both the book AND the older 1984 movie. In the books, Jessica uses the weirding way and tricks the Harkonnen soldier into killing a comrade by getting them to fight over her, and then tricks the remaining soldier into cutting Paul's bonds. Paul then kicks the last soldier (to death?).
In the older 1984 Dune movie, Jessica is the one who frees both of them and kills the Harkonnen soldier too. In the 1984 movie, she first controls one soldier and tells him to stab the other soldier to death, and then orders the other one to cut their rope which allows Paul to knock the last soldier unconscious. The book, 1984 movie, and new movie all basically portray the event in substantially the same way.

2. Jessica and Paul are still captured by the Baron's soldiers in the new movie. The difference between the old 1984 movie and the new movie is the old movie has a scene where the Baron and Pieter meets the tied up Jessica and orders her and Paul to be killed in the desert while the new movie doesn't have this scene as it happens offscreen.

Both movies differ from the book that has a more interesting plot point where the Baron personally comes in to offer Pieter a choice between having Jessica vs ruling over his personal fiefdom. Considering even the old 1984 movie shortened this scene, the new film likely cut this Baron scene out to save time.

3. The people who market a movie have nothing to do with the people who make the movie. A good movie might have bad marketing and vice versa.

4. The only thing you might remotely have a point with is Liet Kynes, but it is clear that they went with creating a totally new/different character who has no association with the book character and just reused the name of the book character. So their decision might not even have much to do with wokeness as TV adaptations often change book characters into completely different characters all the time.

5. Paul is not the Bene Gesserit's Messiah. He is considered an abomination because the Bene Gesserit wanted his mother to create a female instead of a male. The Bene Gesserti's Messiah was supposed to be a product of this female who would then breed with the Harkonnen heirs.

You're basically trashing the new Dune movie and calling it woke for stuff that typically happens in any book to TV/movie adaptation and for stuff the older 1984 Dune movie did too. Are you going to call the 1984 movie woke too?

I swear, people are abusing the word "woke" and just using it to call anything they don't like or disagree with. Woke is now just an insult buzzword like racist, sexist, socialist, fascist, communist, etc.
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I guess complicated but succesful shows like Game of Thrones don't exist. Lord of the Rings has a lot of factions and complicated lore, but they managed to explain it pretty well with an opening monologue/voiceover and some maps. GoT was very smart to have the worldmap be the opening credits so you always got a sense of what was where.
You could easily explain that Warsaw uprising story with a simple map and a well written voiceover. Make sure all the factions are visually distinct from eachother. Of course that would be impossible now, because every army would have to be so-called "diverse". lol "Here's the Red Army, filled with women, black, latino and asian characters. And these are the nazi's, they are also women, black latino and asian. And here are the poor Polish forced trapped in Warsaw, they are made up of women, black, latino and asian people. Good luck telling the factions apart now, dumb audience!"

Also: "we need to dumb down the plot so modern audiences can understand."
Proceeds to tell the story out of chronological order, badly, which wasn't in the books, making everything unneccesarily more complicated.

It's also totally not confusing to make a show called The Witcher, with a big (young) audience pulling star like Cavill, and then focus all of the story on side character Yennifer, played by an actress nobody knows or cares about. Because apparently women want to "see themselves" when they watch tv. Hint: no, they want to see Henry Cavill, preferably shirtless.

They claim to make the show for a "huge mass of viewers" (lol, where's your huge mass of viewers now?), but really they make it for a tiny group of Twitter-weirdo's. These muppets think California zoomers = America = Huge mass of viewers, lol.

And Ridley Scott can shut right up as well. Your movie was badly marketed, badly timed, featured stars that aren't exactly hot at the moment (Matt Damon, Ben Affleck) and most of your recent movies (Alien franchise) have been **** so people no longer care about your name that much. Sometimes a movie just bombs for a variety of reasons. Blaming the audience is just sad. I don't even get why you would blame tiktok-ing youth when that's not even the target audience for your movie! It's not like there aren't way bigger audiences of millennials and older that your movie could have appealed to but didn't.
Dune reeked woke as f**. They changed the gender and race of Chani's father, liet kynes, they turned Jessica, Paul's mother, into a fighter (on the books, she and Paul are captured by the Baron, never in the woke movie), Jessica kills the Harkonnen soldiers instead of Paul, in the coming movie the marketing is "Chani and Paul join forces" - which NEVER happens in the books, Paul is the Bene Gesserit's Messiah and he rules the Universe by using the Fremen legions.
Other than that, I fully agree, Hollywood is full of agenda driven crap and I'm not watching anything woke.
Mission imposibile is not woke, Oppenheimer also. These two movies deserve to be seen. Indiana Jones floors hard because of the left crap. And I'm happy.

Meh, yeah they made some changes to give women more of a role, it's true. It's hardly "woke as f***". It's still pretty faithful to the books and still a pretty great movie. I do hope they don't make Chani an overpowered girlboss in the next one though.
Season 3 is a big hot nonsensical mess. Whether it be the casting, the writing, the compositing or the continuity errors, it was one immersion breaking howler after another.
The series went too far left & liberal with the original stories and that was too much. Period.
I honestly never give too much credit to the stories of Cavill proclaiming himself as the keeper of Sapkowski's lore (Simply because it is much more likely that both Cavill and Netflix or either party leans on that part to what was in all likelihood just a failed salary negotiation: Cavill thought he deserved a bigger cut, Netflix disagreed)

It really annoys me when people make assumptions based purely on their personal bias rather than any objective data. There is no evidence such a pay dispute occurred.
I am pretty amused when a director decides to blame the viewers for not watching their shows! Yeah.

So, it was too complex for some audience, they are already not watching it, so you are going to dumb it down (turning off your existing audience) in order to try to get the audience back that's already not watching it? This does not sound like a good move to me. I haven't watched this show, though, so I can't tell you if it really was too complex or any of that.

As for Ridley Scott -- I remember when he made this complaint. A) It was a 2.5 hour movie about the last trial by combat in the middle ages. Frankly that subject matter, I wouldn't have watched it. Don't make stereotypical complaints about young people because you made a movie that is about a subject matter people didn't want to go out to watch! B) The advertising must have been awful -- I don't recall seeing an ad until I saw Ridley Scott's complaint... and then when I did see one, it was like 15 seconds after it was done, I couldn't have told you what it was advertising, it was that unmemorable. C) He was insisting, at the height of Covid pandemic, to make it a theater release! Well yeah, people young or old were not going to risk their lives to watch a movie, when other new releases at that point were available streaming! He blamed streaming culture or something for dropping off sales on his movie, when it was his choice to not make it available streaming.
Truer words are rarely spoken...

Kids today have no attention spans, cannot invest in long term stories much less long term financial and life decisions. And people living in the USA have the worst educational levels and cognitive skills, literally near the bottom when compared to worldwide averages. He is right.
Truer words are rarely spoken...

Kids today have no attention spans, cannot invest in long term stories much less long term financial and life decisions. And people living in the USA have the worst educational levels and cognitive skills, literally near the bottom when compared to worldwide averages. He is right.

god damned TikTok, reels and facebook....