Unable to access Microsoft Word

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In accessing Microsoft Word, or in accessing a saved Word document, both are served up; however, within seconds I get the following message:

MSGSRV has caused an error in UNIDRV.DLL. Winword will close now. If you continue to experience this problem, try restarting your computer.

Upoon closing the above window, the following window appears:

An error hs occurred in your program. To keep working anyway, click IGNORE and save your work in a new file. To quit this program, click CLOSE. You will lose information entered since your last save.

I have elected both of the above choices on separate occasions, with the same result: After rebooting, I get the MSGSRV error message described above.

Could you please forward to me the sequence of steps to be followed in fixing this problem?

Thank you!



Window ME
Microsoft Office 2000
If you have a virus scanner, it might be worth running. If not, there are free online virus scanners (they detect, but do not remove viruses).

I suggest this because many viruses cause Word not to open.
The unidrv file that you mention is a shared file that MS uses for print formatting and so forth. I'd try repairing word first, and if that doesn't work I'd reinstall the printer driver for your machine (may have to force it to replace some files). I know this doesn't seem related, but since Word shows WYSIWYG, it loads the printer drivers to attempt to figure out how to render it. This would explain why it's crashing after you load.

Definately try repair first though. Good luck!
Thanks Goalie, I have tried repair but all I get is a "cannot locate pathway". Is there anything else that you can think of ?
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