Unnecessary Censorship...


Posts: 19,690   +8,832
All of a sudden the site started censoring the word "**". Since that's going to be bleeped. I'll spell it so the server doesn't hear me, "Bee Why". You know, the homophone for "buy"!
I tried to censor a complete phrase which obviously didn't work and ended up censorship every instance of "by".

It's fixed now, please do let me know if you come across any further issues.
the system started censoring anytime the letters 'by' were used in conjunction.
I think this whole censorship thing is ridiculous. If there is an abusive person who is obviously abusive to everyone, or there is a flamer, or just plain mean person, then TS can decide to take care of it, or warn the person. There are also others that have absolutely no sense of humor and/or have a thin skin.
I think you are reading beyond my words, the forum feature is called censorship so that's what I'm calling it, but the purpose of the settings I was working on was to prevent spam keywords.