Weekend Open Forum: How much time do you spend on the PC daily?

Shawn Knight

Posts: 15,303   +193
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Computers have been an integral part of my life for at least the past 10 years or so. I spent an exuberant amount of time on my PC as a teenager before the Internet was the popular destination that it is today. Things died down a bit while I attended college but after I decided that wasn’t the right path for me, I headed right back to the trusty computer in search of making a living.

Between TechSpot duties, running my own tech site and casual web surfing, it’s not unusual to log upwards of nine hours a day in front of my screens. That number drops a bit on the weekend as I try to get out and do some stuff in the real world, however.

open forum

With this week’s open forum, we are curious as to how much time you spend on the computer during the course of an average day whether it’s for business or pleasure.

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I think it would be easier to say when I'm not on the computer for one thing or another, be it school or pleasure. Only time I'm not, is when I'm working, sleeping, or eating.
It's more like how much time of my 24 hours I sped away from the computer. I work I have one at home I have and pluss my phone even whey im before I lose my eyes. The only time is when I go jogging and even then I have my cell phone streaming music. OMG 24/7
Techspot should drop a thread about starting a daily regime of taking a baby asprin a day ( 81mg). Leading cause of death for semi truck drivers is sitting down for long periods of time creating a blockage in the lungs. thus resulting in cardiac arrest. With that being said those guys legally can only drive 8 hours a day. Jeez, why skyrim came out I was logging atleast 6-8 hours a day lmao. Be healthy people is all im trying to say.
My job requires me to be at a PC all day, so there's 8 hours right there, Monday through Friday. I'd say 10 hours per weekday and about 4 per day on weekends. So yeah - damn near 60 hours a week. :(
Sadly, I use the computer nearly all the time in my day, except when I'm doing necessities. Even work, as a Game Developer, requires me to be at the computer, so... yeah....
I'm pretty much glued to the computer at work. So I'd estimate six to seven hours a day during the work week. On weekends, I'd say I spend three to four hours gaming on my PC -- sometimes more.

I do go out with my friends when I can. I also stick to a very strict gym and running routine. :)
Over 10 hours each day that's for sure... That's what happens when you got a really long holiday with nothing much planned out. Waste most of the time watching stuff and reading, chatting to friends and etc.
Huh as I sit here and type this I'm going on 4 hrs straight, which is about average. Thank God I don't sit in front of one for work, I would probably weigh about 400 lbs. I have my own home gym and use it, eat right and go out sometimes. But here I sit, a daily routine.
Too much really. Just nothing exciting to do, no matter how hard you'd try. It would be either that or a console, and really console gaming isn't as appealing. So I'm here mostly all the time, gaming or more each day.

It's downright unhealthy, but still I don't let that stop me. >>; At least until I have literally a distraction every so often, then I'm away from the PC for long periods of time.
When I was off at college maybe 1-3 hours, but often I was away going to classes or the library. On weekends I would always be at parties and my friends homes. Unfortunately I moved and now I spend at least 6 hours a day since I don't have too many friends in the area.
My job requires me to be at a PC all day, so there's 8 hours right there, Monday through Friday. I'd say 10 hours per weekday and about 4 per day on weekends. So yeah - damn near 60 hours a week. :(

This is me - almost exactly.
Unfortunatly I spend alot of the time on the Pc on the week aprox 8 hrs on the weekend depends if im out all day or just doing something else but the most amazing part in summer I do a whole day sometimes I really dont know but when im on the computer time flys
It varies allot, all the way from zero to twelve hours I'd say.
Depends on if I need to use the computer at work or not.

During the weekends it's either out with friends or infront of this PC.
Which reminds me, I better go out now ;)