What apps are pinned to your taskbar?


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With more and more cool apps being developed every month, I find myself installing all sorts of stuff on my computer to try out. Some apps aren't all that useful, are just plain bad, or offer niche functionality, while some quickly become part of my daily app arsenal.

The apps that I frequently use get a coveted spot on my taskbar, where they're pinned for easy access. Every other app, including mountain-loads of rubbish and pretty much everything from the Windows Store, resides hidden away in the Start menu for that one time a year when I actually use it.

In my taskbar right now you'll find the favorites: Chrome, Steam, Plex, some Adobe Creative Suite apps, Microsoft Word and Excel, and some helpful utilities including WinSCP, UltraVNC, Handbrake and the ever-handy Explorer. Rounding off the list are two apps that are very handy for engineers: MATLAB and LTspice.

In this week's Weekend Open Forum, we want to know what you have pinned in your taskbar (or the dock if you're running Mac OS X). What are your favorite apps? Do you keep everything you've installed in the taskbar or just stick to a handful of favorites? Let us know in the comments below.

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I utilize docks for most of my important apps. But, I do keep a couple utilities on my taskbar for easy access on my other monitors. Right now, I have GPU-Z, CPU-Z, GPU Temp and Core Temp pinned. Since I'm running Windows 10, I've decided to keep Cortana and Task View pinned as well.
Calc, Chrome, WMP, This PC folder, Recycle Bin - yes, my recycle bin is on my taskbar.
I hate desktop shorcuts so there is nothing there except my wallpaper.
I pinned what would go on my desktop to Start, so Start acts like my desktop.

Not a whole lot at the moment
Nothing on any of my PCs (work/play). Even with a widescreen taskbar I find them a waste of space - all my useful things are pinned to a large Start Menu list
On mine , firefox, thunderbird, shutdown button, restart button.
All the rest of stuff on classic shell menu in folders classified as
Desktop clear with 500 pics set to change every 3mins!
Taskbar Pin List:
  1. Total Commander
  2. Internet Explorer
  3. Firefox
  4. Windows Live Mail
  5. Steam
  6. Origin
  7. Popcorn Time
  8. Neverwinter
  9. My.com
  1. Calculator
  2. CCleaner
  3. Disk Cleanup
  4. GeForce Experience
  5. Hiren's BootCD
  6. Irfanview
  7. Media Coder x64
  8. MS Excel
  9. MS Word
  10. Nero Startsmart 10
  11. Paint.net
  12. Seagate DiscWizard
  13. uTorrent
  14. Wireless Netviewer
  15. Wireless Network Watcher
As follows: File Explorer, Portable Apps, Chrome, Firefox, Stereoscopic Viewer, Kodi (formerly XBMC), Real Flight 6, Tor Browser, Rocket League, Malwarebytes.

Real Flight usually stays there. I'll also keep which ever game is holding my interest at the time.
Ie and chrome. Have too many tabs open in chrome, sometimes just want to check something quick without muting all the youtubes and other noises. Steam and gog start with computer so no need pinning those.

Favorite app: Scrivener

What goes on the dock: The most frequently used applications.
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I Don't "Pin" things to my task bar, I use Quick launches, they take up less space and just work and always have, even if it's not default with Windows anymore I prefer them to the ugly pinned system they introduced with Windows 7. Nor do allow programs to stack unless my taskbar is full, and even then I'll expand it to double up my real estate if I need to.

As for my quick launches, I have Steam, Aida64, uTorrent, Firefox and Media player, everything else is in my start menu or shortcuts on my desktop.
I have only Firefox which was default pinned, by the OS (Win 7) and the rest in the start menu. Despite being auto-start apps, I sometimes close them from time to time.

In the start menu is Steam, Skype, SpeedFan and Janetter. Mostly in case said app needs to close for one reason or another, and doesn't decide to properly reload again. Usually in the case of Steam on restarts, it sometimes doesn't load on boot. :x