Weekend tech reading: Self-driving cars are here, a history of integrated circuits, child...

Matthew DeCarlo

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Inside the races that jump-started the self-driving car Self-driving cars aren't just here. They are, it seems safe to say, just about everywhere—roaming the streets of San Francisco, New York City, Phoenix, Boston, Singapore, Paris, London, Munich, and Beijing. And as Waymo (Google's self-driving car project) launches the world's first fleet of truly driverless cars in Arizona... Wired (also, Using neural networks to detect car crashes in dashcam footage)

Waymo makes history testing on public roads with no one at the wheel Driverless cars are here. Waymo, the Alphabet self-driving car company, now has cars driving on public roads in the Phoenix metropolitan area with no one in the driver's seat. Waymo CEO John Krafcik plans to announce the news today in a speech at the Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal. Ars Technica

Ford pilots a new exoskeleton to lessen worker fatigue Working in a car factory in this current era isn’t too physically demanding, with robots doing pretty much all of the heavy-lifting. Yet, despite not having to carry so much weight, factory workers in Ford’s car manufacturing plants still do tedious and difficult work, considering how they have to perform overhead tasks repeatedly, up to 4,600 times a day or one million times a year. Futurism

New research: Understanding the root cause of account takeover Account takeover, or ‘hijacking’, is unfortunately a common problem for users across the web. More than 15% of Internet users have reported experiencing the takeover of an email or social networking account. However, despite its familiarity, there is a dearth of research about the root causes of hijacking. Google

Bill Gates invests $80 million in real estate on Phoenix area's western edge A huge swath of land on the western edge of metro Phoenix has drawn an $80 million investment from Microsoft founder Bill Gates' investment group, a move that could change the region’s future growth. A group controlled by billionaire Gates' Cascade Investment LLC recently bought a significant stake in the 24,800-acre Belmont development... AZ Central

Quake on an oscilloscope: A technical report Quake 1 rendered on a Hitachi V-422 oscilloscope. A summary of some problems I faced when tinkering with Quake to get it play nicely on an oscilloscope. After seeing some cool clips like this mushroom thing and of course Youscope, playing Quake on a scope seemed like a great idea. It ticks all the marks that make me happy: low-poly, realtime rendered and open source. Lofibucket

How the integrated circuit came to be As the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. It may surprise you that the microchip that we all know and love today was far from an obvious idea. Some of the paths that were being explored back then to cram more components into a smaller area seem odd now. But who hasn’t experienced hindsight of that sort, even on our own bench tops. Hackaday

History of AOL Warez Before I begin, let me state the following: This is my personal perspective of the history of Warez and the scene in general on America Online (AOL). How the scene developed in the beginnings, and where it has evolved to today. I also would like to thank Mat Stars, Reflux, and Da Chronic himself for their input and insight. Enjoy. Pete Flow

Child receives transgenic skin over most of his body Thanks to an international team of scientists and doctors, a seven-year-old Syrian refugee who lost most of his outer skin to a life-threatening genetic disease now has a transgenic replacement, derived from his own cells, over approximately 80 percent of his body. And, as the team documents today (November 8) in Nature, he’s doing well. The Scientist

Linux security alert: Tons of Linux Kernel USB flaws found by Google hacker The general perception of the public is that Linux and macOS operating systems are far more secure as compared to Windows. While this notion holds true in most cases, it won’t be sensible to reject any possibility of exploit. Recently, a Google security researcher, Andrey Konovalov, uncovered a number of Linux vulnerabilities. Fossbytes

Can Ford turn itself into a tech company? On a sunny afternoon in early October, I drove across a parking lot in Ann Arbor, Mich., and down a sloping road to a second, private lot. A fence lining the lot’s perimeter was covered in black fabric, as if to deter snoops. Behind it was a 32-acre Potemkin village. There were paved roads with names and signs: Liberty Street, Main Street, Wolverine Avenue. There was a traffic roundabout, a covered underpass and a railroad crossing. The NY Times

More expensive, takes longer than usual, not particularly brilliant. Yes, it's your robot surgeon Robot-assisted surgery costs more time and money than traditional methods, but isn't more effective, for certain types of operations. Laparoscopic surgery, which involves one or more small incisions suited to a laparoscope rather than large cut, tends to preferable when it's an option because it's minimally invasive. The Register

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