What computer to buy that has open gl 4.0 intergraded

My budget is $200, I want a computer that has anything above opengl 3.3 on it, right out of the box. with windows 7 operating system. Dinosuar or not, those two things are all\\\ all I care about. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thank you for your time.
I don't know where you think you're getting that Dell desktop, but, (at least ATM), it won't be from Newegg. Hit your link again, you'll see what I mean.

BTE, "intergraded" happens to be spelled, "integrated".

Also, everything I've looked at recently, had Open GL versions above 4.0, even Intel CPU integrated graphics.

Here's Intel's full line specs omn those APIs: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/graphics-drivers/000005524.html
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