What is a free good html editor for Vista SP1?

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Fou're apparently asking for a WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get).

MS Word will do this (rather poorly as it adds TONS of IE only stuff to your page).

IMO, the right way to learn HTML and CSS is to code it all manually, and that can
be done with ANY editor -- even Notepad :)
What is it for? A blog or something else? Among the regulars one often hear of these freeware programs but if it's for blogging then please say so. Then you'll need some other editor programs to choose between.

TED Notepad

NoteTab Lite

CoffeeCup HTML Editor:

TopStyle Lite

You will also find a fine list here: http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-html-editor.htm
A few tips: http://www.techsupportalert.com/html-editor
A top-expert about the best Offline Blog Editors: http://onecoolsite.wordpress.com/2007/10/26/offline-blog-editors-reviews/
html is immune from how it gets used; blogs, webpages, or even pretty email.

Some WYSIWYG tools care, but html (the results of the work) doesn't --
yet another motivation to learn to do it all from scratch :)
Well jobeard, the free blogging Editors look much better than the others and they are very user friendly. :D And you don't have to learn geek speak to blog or write about baking, Bible or babies or whatever your turf is.
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