Windows 11 will give you 10 days to change your mind and revert back to Windows 10 if...

I made an image of my boot drive before trying win 11 on my 8 year old laptop. I didn't even give it a day, reverted back to win10 in 30 mins. All those *****ic changes to easy tasks to make it more complicated are done for the sake of change. I'd stick to win 10 as long as I can like I stuck with win 7 instead of crappy win 8.

Actually try an experiment if you want. Take every UI element and place your fingertip over it. See how nicely it fits? It's not for the sake of change it's to capture mobile market share. M$ has been doing this since Win 8 and the start screen. Every change has one purpose, to find the magic combination that will make a OS work as both a mobile touch and desktop M&K environment. Long term goal IMHO is to make it easy to migrate between both environments and increase M$ mobile sales so they can recapture the market share Ballmer lost to Android...