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BitTyrant for Mac OS X 1.0

BitTyrant is a new, protocol compatible BitTorrent client that is optimized for fast download performance. . Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

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More about BitTyrant for Mac

  • Fast - During evaluation testing on more than 100 real BitTorrent swarms, BitTyrant provided an average 70% download performance increase when compared to the existing Azureus 2.5 implementation, with some downloads finishing more than three times as quickly.
  • Fair - BitTorrent was designed with incentives in mind: if a user is downloading at 30 KBps, they should upload at 30 KBps. However, due to the unique workload properties of many real-world swarms, this is not always enforced. BitTyrant is designed to make efficient use of your scarce upload bandwidth, rewarding those users whose upload allocations are fair and only allocating excess capacity to other users.
  • Familiar - BitTyrant is based on modifications to Azureus 2.5, currently the most popular BitTorrent client. All of our changes are under the hood. You'll find the GUI identical to Azureus, with optional additions to display statistics relevant to BitTyrant's operation.
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