Hewlett-Packard blasted into the consumer-electronic market on Friday with its most significant product launch of the year, unveiling new televisions, digital camera, photo printers, notebooks and desktop PCs.

Apple fans abuzz over new iMac - With Apple Computer's next iMac expected to be unveiled as soon as next week, Mac fan sites are buzzing with speculation over the design.

Sun, Dell Lead Server Sales - Low-cost Linux and Windows servers are outselling Unix models, Gartner analysts say.

Microsoft says Longhorn to ship in 2006 without WinFS - Microsoft is now targeting a second half of 2006 ship date for Longhorn. In order to make the date, WinFS will not be a part of the successor to Windows XP.

California considers open-source shift - Proposed changes in state procurement policies would favor Linux and its offshoots.

Futuremark's 3DMark 2005 to arrive in two weeks.