The reflections keep flowing as Facebook has published its 2014 Year in Review. In it, the social network takes a moment to remember the challenges and triumphs of 2014 and celebrate the moments that connected us all.

From the World Cup and the Ebola outbreak to the Sochi Olympics in Russia and the untimely passing of Robin Williams, this year has been packed full of events - both good and bad - that have shaped the world as a whole.

The World Cup, for example, drove more conversation than any other event in Facebook history. Elsewhere, people shared more than 17 million Ice Bucket Challenge videos on the site to raise awareness for the neurodegenerative disease ALS.

Facebook has compiled a list of the top 10 topics in the US which are as follows:

1. Ebola Virus Outbreak

2. Ice Bucket Challenge

3. Robin Williams

4. Super Bowl

5. Michael Brown & Ferguson

6. World Cup

7. Conflict in Gaza

8. Midterm Elections

9. Malaysia Airlines

10. ISIS

There are also lists dedicated to the top games, songs, movies, TV shows and even the top people we lost over the course of the year.

What will you remember the most in 2014? Let us know in the comments section below.