Steve Jobs receives treatment for cancer

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Leader of Apple Computer Steve Jobs underwent surgery over the weekend for a rare and treatable form of pancreatic cancer. By all accounts the surgery has been a success.

Jobs, along with Steve Wozniak, started Apple in 1976, working out of a garage. Jobs left the company in 1985 but returned in 1997 to pull Apple away from collapse. He also bought a computer graphics business from George Lucas in 1986 and used it to found Pixar.

An important figure not just to Apple but to the computing world in general, I wish Steve a quick and speedy recovery.
Here's hoping for a speedy and complete recovery!

Keep up the good work Jobs!
(Though I wouldn't mind if you lowered the ipod prices a wee bit more ;))
Whether you personally like Apple (or Macs) or not, Steve is an iconic figure in computing and especially in home computing. These people had a vision to bring those huge, nasty number crunchers from inside war rooms and universities into the front living rooms of ordinary people. And they made it happen. They brought computers to people like you and me.
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