Alien Breed 2: Assault



Alien Breed 2: Assault

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Expert reviews and ratings


The Leopold spaceship crashes into a massive vessel. Now it’s up to the ship’s engineer to fight his way through an alien menace and get the ghost ship’s engines running before it crashes into the planet below. Where have I heard this...

By GameZone on

The U.C.S. Leopold has suddenly collided with a huge hunk of space mass orbiting a planet that kills more than half of the crew in an instant; chief engineer Conrad must now explore the mysterious mass to seperate it from the Leopold before it ends up...

By Neoseeker on

Alien Breed 2 modernizes the top-down, sci-fi shooter, adding ornate graphics and elements of today's popular first-person shooters without losing the charm of its predecessors. It's a small game that feels big while you are playing it, a...

By IGN Gear on

Wer schon mit dem ersten Teil seine Freude hatte und ein nostalgischer Anhänger klassischer Shooter ist, wird bei Alien Breed 2: Assault nichts falsch machen. Es wird geballert, bis die Rohre glühen, was besonders im Koop-Modus ne Menge Laune...

International Review By GameCaptain on

„Alien Breed 2: Assault“ ist eine spannende und verbesserte Fortsetzung von „Alien Breed: Impact“, die dazu um 8,99 Euro sogar günstiger ist als dessen Vorgänger. Allen Fans von „Alien Breed: Impact“ kann...

International Review By GamingXP on