2 Items re wireless connections

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I post this knowing full-well that I could search through all threads related to connection issues to try to find the answers to my questions. However, I am short on research time and have joined hoping that at least one of you is able to provide some helpful feedback.

I have a desktop PC and a laptop PC, both with Windows XP Service Pack 2. Wireless devices do not need repair.

Problem 1:
At home, I connect to the i-net with my desktop PC through a D-Link USB wireless adapter, to a buddy's secured network. He lives directly upstairs. Though the signal strength is either excellent or very good, my download speed varies between 10kbps and 1500!! The ISP is through Telus and apparently the Telus network drops mobile phone calls in this area. It is a bit of a freak area with signals good one minute, then nothing the next. Anyone with a similar experience?

Problem 2:
My laptop, for whatever reason, cannot connect to the aforementioned secured network (the same signal strength as the desktop). Also, my laptop will not connect to other secured networks in different areas, even with excellent signal strength. It used to, but doesn't now since I reformatted the hard drive and reinstalled the OS. It will, however, connect to any unsecured network in range. In the past, I seem to recall viewing the wireless networks then connecting - if a network WEP key was required it would ask for one. Now it just attempts to connect without asking for a key. In order to provide the network key, I have to "Add" the Network to the list of preferred networks and change the properties. Still, though, I can't connect to the secured network.

Your "buddy" must be online a lot at the same time as you, and others may be online as well... who else in your "neighborhood" has access to that secure network.

You haven't mentioned the equipment, or drivers, for your two units.
Not true, raybay. We're the only two with access and it's nothing to do with us both being online at the same time - maybe in other cases but not in this one. Thanks for the reply. JG
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