Alt Tags

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I'm in the process of doing my alt tags. Om my home page I
have 2 roses on the top of the page for decorative purposes.
Should the alt for these roses be: alt="Red Rose">
Well... to be honest. Alt tags are not so usefull. The main functionality, and you won't believe it, is for the search engines to list your page faster.

Alt tags take to long to appear so that a person navigating the web will stop 2 seconds till a box with "red rose" comes up.
Actually the primary purpose of alt tags is to provide a text description for browsers that did not support images. Using it as a way to increase search ranking is something that has fairly recently been put to widespread use. The tags are pretty much useless on images used for decorative purposes.
Yes that is the correct format inside the <IMG> tag. The > is actually part of the image tag.

e.g. <IMG SRC="Logo.jpg" ALT="Company Logo">
ALT also works in other tags, like links, for non-standard compliant browsers like Internet Explorer. :)
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